Leadership & Organizational Change studies the impact that individual persons, groups, and structures have on an organization in order to improve the organization’s performance.
The certificate focuses on managing and leading individuals and teams, leadership across cultures, analytics and modeling, optimization of human resource deployment, leadership decision-making, leadership across business functions, management consulting, as well as formalizing the processes of innovation and organizational change.
Leadership & Organizational Change

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BSBA students may receive a Certificate in Leadership & Organizational Change by earning a grade of C or higher. The courses must be taken on a letter-grade basis. BSBA students may use one course from their BSBA concentration towards the certificate if applicable.
Prerequisites will not be waived. The course offerings listed are based on historical data and are subject to change.
Select at least four courses.
Course Number Title Prerequisites Offered (Subject to Change) MGT 3103 Leadership in Changing Environments MGT 3101 or MGT 3102 Fall MGT 3118 Cross-Cultural Management Spring MGT 4102 Management Consulting MGT 3101 Spring MGT 4119 Leading Teams in Organization MGT 3101 Fall MGT 4182 Work, Equity, and Wellness (Previously MGT 4803 Work, Equity, and Wellness. No credit allowed for both.) Summer MGT 4192 IMPACT Forum Summer (Abroad) MGT 4193 Servant Leadership Junior/Senior ONLY Summer and Fall MGT 4803 Negotiation -
Non-BSBA students may receive a Certificate in Leadership & Organizational Change by earning a grade of C or higher. The courses must be taken on a letter-grade basis. Prerequisites will not be waived. The course offerings listed are based on historical data and are subject to change.
Required Courses
Prerequisites will not be waived. The course offerings listed are based on historical data and are subject to change.
MGT 3101 and MGT 3102 are both required courses.
Course Number Title Prerequisites Offered (Subject to Change) MGT 3101 Organizational Behavior Spring, Summer, and Fall MGT 3102 Human Resources Spring, Summer, and Fall Elective Courses
Prerequisites will not be waived. The course offerings listed are based on historical data and are subject to change.
Select at least two courses.
Course Number Title Prerequisites Offered (Subject to Change) MGT 3103 Leadership in Changing Environments MGT 3101 or MGT 3102 Fall MGT 3118 Cross-Cultural Management Spring MGT 4102 Management Consulting Spring MGT 4119 Leading Teams in Organizations MGT 3101 Fall MGT 4182 Work, Equity, and Wellness (Previously MGT 4803 Work, Equity, and Wellness. No credit allowed for both.) Summer MGT 4192 IMPACT Forum Summer (Abroad) MGT 4193 Servant Leadership Junior/Senior ONLY Spring MGT 4803 Negotiation