Operations & Supply Chain Management Certificate

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BSBA students may receive a Certificate in Operations & Supply Chain by earning a grade of C or higher. The courses must be taken on a letter-grade basis. BSBA students may use one course from their BSBA concentration towards the certificate if applicable. Prerequisites will not be waived. The course offerings listed are based on historical data and are subject to change.
Select at least four courses.
Course Number Title Prerequisites Offered (Subject to Change) MGT 3510 Management of Technology MGT 3501 Spring and Fall MGT 3744 Managing Products, Service, and Technology Development Spring MGT 4353 Operations Strategy MGT 3501 Fall MGT 4360 Global Operations MGT 3501 Fall MGT 4366 Service Operations Management MGT 3501 Spring, Summer (Abroad), and Fall MGT 4367 Revenue Analytics MGT 2251 or MGT 2255 Spring MGT 4370 Managing Process Innovation (Previously MGT 4803 Managing Process Innovation. No credit allowed for both.) MGT 2251 or MGT 2255 Fall MGT 4401 Supply Chain Modeling MGT 3501 Spring and Fall MGT 4803 Building Sustainable Business Models MGT 3501 Spring -
Non-BSBA students may receive a Certificate in Entrepreneurship by earning a grade of C or higher. The courses must be taken on a letter-grade basis. Prerequisites will not be waived. The course offerings listed are based on historical data and are subject to change.
MGT 2250 approved substitutions include: BMED 2400, BIOL 4401, ECON 2250, ISyE 3030 and ISyE 2027, ISyE 3770, MATH 3215, MATH 3225, MATH 3670, PSYC 2020, PUBP 3120.Required Course
Prerequisites will not be waived. The course offerings listed are based on historical data and are subject to change.
MGT 3501 is a required course.Course Number Title Prerequisites Offered (Subject to Change) MGT 3501 Operations Management MGT 2255 Spring, Summer, and Fall Elective Courses
Prerequisites will not be waived. The course offerings listed are based on historical data and are subject to change.
Select at least three courses.
Course Number Title Prerequisites Offered (Subject to Change) MGT 3510 Management of Technology MGT 3501 Spring and Fall MGT 3744 Managing Products, Service, and Technology Development Spring MGT 4353 Operations Strategy MGT 3501 Fall MGT 4360 Global Operations MGT 3501 Fall MGT 4366 Service Operations Management MGT 3501 Spring, Summer (Abroad), and Fall MGT 4367 Revenue Analytics MGT 2251 or MGT 2255 Spring MGT 4370 Managing Process Innovation (Previously MGT 4803 Managing Process Innovation. No credit allowed for both.) MGT 2251 or MGT 2255 Fall MGT 4401 Supply Chain Modeling MGT 3501 Spring and Fall MGT 4803 Building Sustainable Business Models MGT 3501 Spring