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Year Title Journal Author(s) Type
2024 Impact of Corporate Subsidies on Borrowing Costs of Local Governments: Evidence from Municipal Bonds Review of Finance Sudheer Chava
Malakar, Baridhi
Singh, Manpreet
Published Papers
Sudheer Chava, Baridhi Malakar, Manpreet Singh, Impact of Corporate Subsidies on Borrowing Costs of Local Governments: Evidence from Municipal Bonds, Review of Finance, Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 117–161,
2024 Benchmarking Machine Learning Models to Predict Corporate Bankruptcy Journal of Credit Risk Alanis, Emmanuel
Chava, Sudheer
Shah, Agam
Published Papers
Emmanuel Alanis, Sudheer Chava and Agam Shah, “Benchmarking Machine Learning Models to Predict Corporate Bankruptcy”, forthcoming in Journal of Credit Risk
2024 Consumer Trust: Meta-analysis of 50 Years of Empirical Research Journal of Consumer Research Khamitov, Mansur
Rajavi, Koushyar
Huang, Der-Wei
Hong, Yuly
Published Papers
2024 A Model of Shoppertainment Live Streaming Management Science Gu, J.
Zhang, X.
Wu, D.J.
Published Papers
Gu, J., X. Y. Zhao, and D.J. Wu, "A Model of Shoppertainment Live Streaming," Forthcoming, Management Science.
2024 Intertemporal Price Competition in the Two-Sided Market: Reexamining the Seesaw Principle for Startup Platforms Production and Operations Management Dou, Y.
Zhang, X.
Wu, D.J.
Published Papers
Dou, Y., X. Zhang, and D.J. Wu, "Intertemporal Price Competition in the Two-Sided Market: Reexamining the Seesaw Principle for Startup Platforms," Forthcoming, Production and Operations Management. First published online 21 March 2024.
2024 Variance Decomposition and Cryptocurrency Return Prediction Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Lee, Suzanne S.
Wang, Minho
Published Papers
2024 Advising Entrepreneurs: Optimal Recommendation of Alternatives Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Wang, Z.
Rahmani, M.
Ramachandran, K.
Published Papers
Wang, Zeya and Rahmani, Morvarid and Ramachandran, Karthik, Advising Entrepreneurs: Optimal Recommendation of Alternatives (October 6, 2021). Available at SSRN: or
2023 Does a One-Size-Fits-All Minimum Wage Cause Financial Stress for Small Businesses?. Management Science Chava, Sudheer
Oettl, Alexander
Singh, Manpreet
Published Papers
Sudheer Chava, Alexander Oettl, Manpreet Singh (2023) Does a One-Size-Fits-All Minimum Wage Cause Financial Stress for Small Businesses?. Management Science 69(11):7095-7117.
2023 Creative Destruction? Impact of E-Commerce on the Retail Sector Management Science Chava, Sudheer
Oettl, Alexander
Singh, Manpreet
Zeng, Linghang
Published Papers
Sudheer Chava, Alexander Oettl, Manpreet Singh, Linghang Zeng (2023) Creative Destruction? Impact of E-Commerce on the Retail Sector. Management Science 70(4):2168-2187.
2023 Trillion Dollar Words: A New Financial Dataset, Task & Market Analysis In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) Shah, Agam
Paturi, Suvan
Chava, Sudheer
Published Papers
Agam Shah, Suvan Paturi, and Sudheer Chava. 2023. Trillion Dollar Words: A New Financial Dataset, Task & Market Analysis. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 6664–6679, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics.
2023 Credit Default Swaps and Lender Incentives in Bank Debt Renegotiations Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Chakraborty, I.
Chava, Sudheer
Ganduri, R.
Published Papers
Chakraborty I, Chava S, Ganduri R. Credit Default Swaps and Lender Incentives in Bank Debt Renegotiations. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 2023;58(5):1911-1942. doi:10.1017/S0022109022000709
2023 Secondary Selling: Beyond the Salesperson-Customer Dyad Journal of Marketing Burchett, Molly R
Murtha, Brian
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Burchett, Molly R., Brian Murtha and Ajay K. Kohli (2023), “Secondary Selling: Beyond the Salesperson-Customer Dyad,” Journal of Marketing, 87(4), 575-600.
2023 The Emerging World of Digital Exploration Services Journal of Business Research Brock, Juergen
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Brock, Juergen and Ajay K. Kohli (2023), “The Emerging World of Digital Exploration Services,” Journal of Business Research, 155, Part A, January, 113434.
2023 The Real Response to Uncertainty Shocks: the Risk Premium Channel Management Science Bretscher, Lorenzo
Hsu, Alex
Tamoni, Andrea
Published Papers
Bretscher, Lorenzo, Alex Hsu, and Andrea Tamoni. “The Real Response to Uncertainty Shocks: the Risk Premium Channel.” Management Science, Volume 69, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 119-140.
2023 Gone with the Vol: A Decline in Asset Return Predictability During the Great Moderation Management Science Hsu, Alex
Palomino, Francisco
Qian, Charles
Published Papers
Hsu, Alex, Francisco Palomino, and Charles Qian. “Gone with the Vol: A Decline in Asset Return Predictability during the Great Moderation." Management Science, Volume 69, Issue 5, May 2023, Pages 2547-3155.
2022 When FLUE Meets FLANG: Benchmarks and Large Pretrained Language Model for Financial Domain. Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Shah, Raj
Chawla, Kunal
Eidnani, Dheeraj
Shah, Agam
Du, Wendi
Chava, Sudheer
Raman, Natraj
Smiley, Charese
Chen, Jiaao
Yang, Diyi
Published Papers
Raj Shah, Kunal Chawla, Dheeraj Eidnani, Agam Shah, Wendi Du, Sudheer Chava, Natraj Raman, Charese Smiley, Jiaao Chen, and Diyi Yang. 2022. When FLUE Meets FLANG: Benchmarks and Large Pretrained Language Model for Financial Domain. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 2322–2335, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Association for Computational Linguistics.
2022 Tweet Based Reach Aware Temporal Attention Network for NFT Valuation. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022 Sawhney, Ramit
Thakkar, Megh
Soun, Ritesh
Neerkaje, Atula
Sharma, Vasu
Guhathakurta, Dipanwita
Chava, Sudheer
Published Papers
Ramit Sawhney, Megh Thakkar, Ritesh Soun, Atula Neerkaje, Vasu Sharma, Dipanwita Guhathakurta, and Sudheer Chava. 2022. Tweet Based Reach Aware Temporal Attention Network for NFT Valuation. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022, pages 6321–6332, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Association for Computational Linguistics.
2022 HYPHEN: Hyperbolic Hawkes Attention For Text Streams 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers), Agarwal, Shivam
Sawhney, Ramit
Ahuja, Sanchit
Soun, Ritesh
Chava, Sudheer
Published Papers
Shivam Agarwal, Ramit Sawhney, Sanchit Ahuja, Ritesh Soun, and Sudheer Chava. 2022. HYPHEN: Hyperbolic Hawkes Attention For Text Streams. In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers), pages 620–627, Dublin, Ireland. Association for Computational Linguistics.
2022 Interactive Videos: Student Perceptions Before and After the Great Pivot. The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration Spezzo, V
Rudchenko, T
Published Papers
Spezzo, V.M., & Rudchenko, T.V., (2022), Interactive Videos: Student Perceptions Before and After the Great Pivot. The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration
2022 Supply chain delivery performance improvement for several delivery time distributions International Journal of Operational Research Bushuev, M.A.
Guiffrida, A.L.
Rudchenko, T.V.
Published Papers
Bushuev M.A., Guiffrida A.L., Rudchenko T.V. Supply chain delivery performance improvement for several delivery time distributions. International Journal of Operational Research, (forthcoming)
2022 EPR for Unused Pharmaceuticals M&SOM Alev, I.
Atasu, A.
Toktay, L.B.
Zhang, C.
Published Papers
Alev, I., Atasu, A., L.B. Toktay and C. Zhang, “EPR for Unused Pharmaceuticals,” M&SOM, 24:1 (2022), 524–541.
2022 Treat, Dump or Export: How Domestic and International Waste Management Policies Shape Waste Chain Outcomes Management Science Wijnsma, W.
Lauga, D.
Toktay, L.B.
Working Papers
Wijnsma, W., Lauga, D. and L.B. Toktay, “Treat, Dump or Export: How Domestic and International Waste Management Policies Shape Waste Chain Outcomes,” under first-round revision for Management Science.
2022 The Implications of Rating Systems on Workforce Performance IISE Transactions Green, C.
Rahmani, M.
Published Papers
Green, C. and M. Rahmani. 2022. The Implications of Rating Systems on Workforce Performance. IISE Transactions, 54(2), 159-172.
2021 Impact of marketplace lending on consumers’ future borrowing capacities and borrowing outcomes, Journal of Financial Economics Chava, Sudheer
Ganduri, Rohan
Paradkar, Nikhil
Zhang, Yafei
Published Papers
Sudheer Chava, Rohan Ganduri, Nikhil Paradkar, Yafei Zhang, Impact of marketplace lending on consumers’ future borrowing capacities and borrowing outcomes, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 142, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1186-1208, ISSN 0304-405X,
2021 Delegating Innovation Projects with Deadline: Committed versus Flexible Stopping Management Science Rahmani, M.
Ramachandran, K.
Published Papers
Rahmani, M., K. Ramachandran. 2021. Delegating Innovation Projects with Deadline: Committed versus Flexible Stopping. Management Science, 67(10), 6317-6332.
2021 Factors Affecting the Study of Important Marketing Issues: Implications and Recommendations International Journal of Research in Marketing Kohli, Ajay K.
Haenlein, Michael
Published Papers
Kohli, Ajay K and Michael Haenlein (2021b), “Factors Affecting the Study of Important Marketing Issues: Implications and Recommendations,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 38 (March) 1-11.
2021 The Capacity Investment Decision under Asymmetric Emission Regulation Production and Operations Management Huang, X.
Tan, T.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Huang, X., Tan, T., and L.B. Toktay, “The Capacity Investment Decision under Asymmetric Emission Regulation,” Production and Operations Management, 30:6 (2021), 1886-1903.
2021 The Effect of Over-the-Top Media Services on Piracy Search Marketing Science Lu, Shijie
Rajavi, Koushyar
Dinner, Isaac
Published Papers
Shijie Lu, Koushyar Rajavi, and Isaac Dinner (forthcoming), "The Effect of Over-the-Top Media Services on Piracy Search: Evidence from a Natural Experiment," Marketing Science.
2020 The economic impact of right-to-work laws: Evidence from collective bargaining agreements and corporate policies, Journal of Financial Economics Chava, Sudheer
András Danis
Alex Hsu
Published Papers
Sudheer Chava, András Danis, Alex Hsu, The economic impact of right-to-work laws: Evidence from collective bargaining agreements and corporate policies, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 137, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 451-469, ISSN 0304-405X,
2020 COVID-19 and the Cross-Section of Equity Returns: Impact and Transmission Review of Asset Pricing Studies Lorenzo Bretscher
Alex Hsu
Peter Simasek
Andrea Tamoni
Published Papers
Bretscher, Lorenzo, Alex Hsu, Peter Simasek and Andrea Tamoni. "COVID-19 and the Cross-Section of Equity Returns: Impact and Transmission." Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2020, Pages 705–741.
2020 The Impact of Scalability on Advisory and Service Delivery Efforts of Nonprofits Advances in Service Science Arora, P.
Rahmani, M.
Ramachandran, K.
Published Papers
Arora, P., M., Rahmani, and K. Ramachandran. 2020. The Impact of Scalability on Advisory and Service Delivery Efforts of Nonprofits. Advances in Service Science. INFORMS-CSS 2020, 205-213.
2020 A Theories-in-Use Approach to Building Marketing Theory Journal of Marketing Zeithaml, Valarie A.
Jaworski, Bernard J.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Tuli, Kapil R.
Ulaga, Wolfgang
Zaltman, Gerald
Published Papers
Zeithaml, Valarie A., Bernard J. Jaworski, Ajay K. Kohli, Kapil R. Tuli, Wolfgang Ulaga, and Gerald Zaltman (2020), “A Theories-in-Use Approach to Building Marketing Theory,” Journal of Marketing, 84(1), 32-51.
2020 Sustainable Operations Management through the Perspective of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management M&SOM Atasu, A.
Corbett, C.
Huang, X.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Atasu, A., Corbett, C., Huang, X. and L.B. Toktay, “Sustainable Operations Management through the Perspective of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,” M&SOM, 22:1 (2020), 146-157.
2020 Doing Less to Do More? Optimal Service Portfolio of Non-profits that Serve Distressed Individuals Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Arora, P.
Rahmani, M.
Ramachandran, K.
Published Papers
Arora, P., M. Rahmani, and K. Ramachandran, 2020, Doing Less to Do More? Optimal Service Portfolio of Non-profits that Serve Distressed Individuals. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, forthcoming
2020 The Implications of Recycling Technology Choice on Collective Recycling Production and Operations Management Rahmani, M.
Gui, L.
Atasu, A.
Published Papers
Rahmani, M., L. Gui, and A., Atasu. 2020, The Implications of Recycling Technology Choice on Collective Recycling. Production and Operations Management, 30(2), 522-542
2020 Shareholder Activism with Strategic Investors Finance Research Letters Danis, A. Published Papers
Shareholder Monitoring with Strategic Investors. Accepted at Finance Research Letters.
2020 Implementing Stochastic Volatility in DSGE Models: A Comment Macroeconomic Dynamics Bretscher, Lorenzo
Hsu, Alex
Tamoni, Andrea
Published Papers
Bretscher, Lorenzo, Alex Hsu, and Andrea Tamoni. “Implementing Stochastic Volatility in DSGE Models: A Comment.” Macroeconomic Dynamics, Volume 24, Issue 4, June 2020, Pages 935-950.
2020 Does History Repeat Itself? Business Cycle and Industry Returns Journal of Monetary Economics Chava, Sudheer
Hsu, Alex
Zeng, Linghang
Published Papers
Chava, Sudheer, Alex Hsu, and Linghang Zeng. “Does History Repeat Itself? Business Cycle and Industry Returns." Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 116, December 2020, Pages 201-218.
2020 Real and Nominal Equilibrium Yield Curves Management Science Hsu, Alex
Li, Erica X.N.
Palomino, Francisco
Published Papers
Hsu, Alex, Erica X.N. Li, and Francisco Palomino. “Real and Nominal Equilibrium Yield Curves." Management Science, Volume 67, Issue 2, May 2020, Pages 1138-1158.
2020 Default Risk and the Pricing of U.S. Sovereign Bonds Journal of Finance Dittmar, Robert
Hsu, Alex
Roussellet, Guillaume
Simasek, Peter
Working Papers
Dittmar, Robert, Alex Hsu, Guillaume Roussellet, and Peter Simasek. “Default Risk and the Pricing of U.S. Sovereign Bonds." Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Finance.
2019 Covenants, Creditors’ Simultaneous Equity Holdings, and Firm Investment Policies Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Chava, Sudheer
Wang, R.
Zou, H.
Published Papers
Chava S, Wang R, Zou H. Covenants, Creditors’ Simultaneous Equity Holdings, and Firm Investment Policies. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 2019;54(2):481-512. doi:10.1017/S002210901800090X
2019 Firm Level Environmental Strategies Production and Operations Management Xiao Wenli
Gaimon, Cheryl
Subramanian, Ravi
Biehl, Markus
Published Papers
Xiao Wenli, Cheryl Gaimon, Ravi Subramanian, Markus Biehl, "Firm Level Environmental Strategies", Production and Operations Management, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2019, 404-420.
2019 Are Hazardous Substance Rankings Effective? An Empirical Investigation of Information Dissemination About the Relative Hazards of Chemicals and Emissions Reductions Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Fu, W.
Kalkanci, B.
Subramanian, R.
Published Papers
Fu, W., B. Kalkanci, R. Subramanian. 2019. Are Hazardous Substance Rankings Effective? An Empirical Investigation of Information Dissemination About the Relative Hazards of Chemicals and Emissions Reductions. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 21(3): 602-619.
2019 The Role of "Inclusive Innovation" in Promoting Social Sustainability Production and Operations Management Kalkanci, B.
Rahmani, M.
Toktay, L. B.
Published Papers
Kalkanci, B., M. Rahmani, L. B. Toktay. 2019. The Role of "Inclusive Innovation" in Promoting Social Sustainability. Production and Operations Management 28(12): 2960-2982.
2019 How Transparency into Internal and External Responsibility Initiatives Influences Consumer Choice Management Science Buell, R. W.
Kalkanci, B.
Published Papers
Buell, R. W., B. Kalkanci. 2019. How Transparency into Internal and External Responsibility Initiatives Influences Consumer Choice. Accepted for Publication in Management Science.
2019 Durability vs. recyclability: Dueling goals in making electronics more sustainable ScienceDaily Toon, J.
Toktay, L.B.
64. Toon, J. (GT News Article) “Durability vs. recyclability: Dueling goals in making electronics more sustainable,” ScienceDaily, April 4, 2019.
2019 The Role of “Inclusive Innovation” in Promoting Social Sustainability Production and Operations Management Kalkanci, B.
Rahmani, M.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Kalkanci, B., M. Rahmani, and B. Toktay. 2019. The Role of “Inclusive Innovation” in Promoting Social Sustainability. Production and Operations Management, 28 (12), 2960–2982
2019 The Economic Impact of Right-to-Work Laws: Evidence from Collective Bargaining Agreements and Corporate Policies Journal of Financial Economics Danis, A.
Chava, Sudheer
Hsu, Alex
Published Papers
The Economic Impact of Right-to-Work Laws: Evidence from Collective Bargaining Agreements and Corporate Policies. Accepted at Journal of Financial Economics. Co-authored with Sudheer Chava and Alex Hsu.
2019 Valuable Choices: Prominent Venture Capitalists’ Influence on Startup CEO Replacements Management Science Graham, S.
Conti, A.
Published Papers
Valuable Choices: Prominent Venture Capitalists’ Influence on Startup CEO Replacements” with A. Conti (2019). Forthcoming in Management Science
2019 Venture Capital Investment Strategies under Financing Constraints: Evidence from the 2008 Financial Crisis Research Policy Graham, S.
Conti, A.
Dass, N.
Di Lorenzo, F.
Published Papers
Venture Capital Investment Strategies under Financing Constraints: Evidence from the 2008 Financial Crisis” with A. Conti, N. Dass and F. Di Lorenzo (2019). Forthcoming in Research Policy
2019 In Brands We Trust? A Multicategory, Multicountry Investigation of Sensitivity of Consumers’ Trust in Brands to Marketing-Mix Activities Journal of Consumer Research Rajavi, Koushyar
Kushwaha, Tarun
Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict
Published Papers
Koushyar Rajavi, Tarun Kushwaha, and Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp (2019), “In Brands We Trust? A Multi-Country, Multi-Category Study into the Role of Marketing Mix Activities as Drivers of Brand Trust in Consumer Packaged Goods Industry”, Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (4), 651-670.
2018 Mathematics after School in Ukraine American Journal of Educational Research Garner, M
Rudchenko, T
Watson, V
Chashechnikova, O
Published Papers
M. Garner, T.Rudchenko,V.Watson and O.Chashechnikova “Mathematics after School in Ukraine” (2018). American Journal of Educational Research 6(8):117-126
2018 The Role of a Solutions Salesperson: Reducing Uncertainty and Fostering Adaptiveness Industrial Marketing Management Ulaga, Wolfgang
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Ulaga, Wolfgang and Ajay K. Kohli (2018), “The Role of a Solutions Salesperson: Reducing Uncertainty and Fostering Adaptiveness,” Industrial Marketing Management 69 (February), 161-168.
2018 Managing Social & Environmental Impacts with Voluntary vs. Mandatory Disclosure to Investors Forthcoming in Management Science Kalkanci, B.
E. Plambeck
Published Papers
Kalkanci, B., E. Plambeck. 2018. Managing Social & Environmental Impacts with Voluntary vs. Mandatory Disclosure to Investors. Forthcoming in Management Science.
2018 Reveal the Supplier List? A Trade-Off in Capacity vs. Responsibility Forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Kalkanci, B.
Plambeck, E.
Published Papers
Kalkanci, B., E. Plambeck. 2018. Reveal the Supplier List? A Trade-Off in Capacity vs. Responsibility. Forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
2018 The Design Implications of Collective EPR Regulation Management Science Gui, L.
Atasu, A.
Ergun, O.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Gui, L., Atasu, A., Ergun, O. and L.B. Toktay, “The Design Implications of Collective EPR Regulation,” Management Science, 64:11 (2018), 4967-5460.
2018 How to Keep Computers out of Landfill and Recyclers out of Prison Greenbiz Ferguson, M.
Toktay, L.B.
Oriaopoulos, N.
Ferguson, M., L.B. Toktay and N. Oriaopoulos, “How to Keep Computers out of Landfill and Recyclers out of Prison,” Greenbiz, February 27, 2018.
2018 An Evaluation of Market-Based Approaches to Extended Producer Responsibility: The Minnesota Recycling Act Journal of Industrial Ecology Alev, I.
Huang, X.
Atasu, A.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Alev, I., Huang, X., Atasu, A. and L.B. Toktay, “An Evaluation of Market-Based Approaches to Extended Producer Responsibility: The Minnesota Recycling Act,” Journal of Industrial Ecology (2018) 1-14.
2018 Team Leadership and Performance: Combining the Roles of Direction and Contribution Management Science Rahmani, M.
Roels, G.
Karmarkar, U.S.
Published Papers
Rahmani, M., G. Roels, and U.S. Karmarkar. 2018. Team Leadership and Performance: Combining the Roles of Direction and Contribution, Management Science, 64(11), 5234-5249.
2018 The Real Effects of Credit Default Swaps Journal of Financial Economics Danis, A.
Gamba, Andrea
Published Papers
The Real Effects of Credit Default Swaps, Journal of Financial Economics, 2018, Volume 117, Issue 1. Co-authored with Andrea Gamba.
2018 Banking Structure and Monetary Policy Potency- Evidence from Firm-Level Investment TBD Hsu, Alex Working Papers
Hsu, Alex. “Banking Structure and Monetary Policy Potency: Evidence from Firm-Level Investment.” Working Paper, 2018.
2018 Business Dynamics of Innovating Firms: Linking U.S. Patents with Administrative Data on Workers and Firms Journal of Economics & Management Strategy Graham, S.
Grim, C.
Marco, A.
Miranda, J.
Tariqul, I.
Published Papers
Business Dynamics of Innovating Firms: Linking U.S. Patents with Administrative Data on Workers and Firms” with C. Grim, A. Marco, J. Miranda and I. Tariqul (2018). Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 27(3), pp. 372-402.
2018 Monetizing Marks: Insights from the USPTO Trademark Assignment Dataset Journal of Economics & Management Strategy Graham, S.
Marco, A.
Myers, A.
Published Papers
Monetizing Marks: Insights from the USPTO Trademark Assignment Dataset” with A. Marco, A. Myers (2018). Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 27(3), pp. 403-432.
2018 Unpacking the disruption process: New technology, business models, and incumbent adaptation Journal of Management Studies Cozzolino, A.
Verona, G.
Rothaermel, F.T.
Cozzolino, A., Verona, G., Rothaermel, F.T. (2018). Unpacking the disruption process: New technology, business models, and incumbent adaptation. Journal of Management Studies, (55) 7: 1166-1202.
2018 Beyond Beauty- Design Symmetry and Brand Personality Journal of Consumer Psychology Bajaj, Aditi
Bond, Samuel D.
Published Papers
Bajaj, Aditi, and Bond, Samuel D. “Beyond Beauty: Design Symmetry and Brand Personality,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2018, 28(1), 77-98.
2018 Attribute Dismissal and Valence Effects in Preferential Decision Processing Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Hair, Michael
Bond, Samuel D.
Published Papers
Hair, Michael, and Bond, Samuel D. “Attribute Dismissal and Valence Effects in Preferential Decision Processing,” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2018, 31(1), 164-178.
2018 How Does Web Personalization Create Value for Online Retailers Journal of Retailing Kalaignanam, Kartik
Kushwaha, Tarun
Rajavi, Koushyar
Published Papers
Kalaignanam, Kartik, Tarun Kushwaha, and Koushyar Rajavi (2018), “How Does Web Personalization Create Value for Online Retailers? Lower Cash Flow Volatility or Enhanced Cash Flows”, Journal of Retailing, 94 (3), 265-279.
2017 Conducting Field-Based, Discovery Oriented Research: Lessons from our Market Orientation Research Experience AMS Review Jaworski, Bernard J.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Jaworski, Bernard J. and Ajay K. Kohli (2017), “Conducting Field-Based, Discovery Oriented Research: Lessons from our Market Orientation Research Experience,” AMS Review, (7) 4-12.
2017 From Invention Success to Commercialization Success: Technology Ventures and the Benefits of Upstream and Downstream Supply-Chain Alliances Journal of Small Business Management Dutta, D
Hora, M.
Published Papers
Dutta, D and Hora, M., 2017. “From Invention Success to Commercialization Success: Technology Ventures and the Benefits of Upstream and Downstream Supply-Chain Alliances,” Journal of Small Business Management, 55, 216–235
2017 Process Capabilities and Leveraging Advances in Science and Technology Routledge Companion to Prod & Opns. Manag. Gaimon, Cheryl
Hora, Manpreet
Ramachandran, Karthik
Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, Manpreet Hora, Karthik Ramachandran, “Process Capabilities and Leveraging Advances in Science and Technology,” Routledge Companion to Prod & Opns. Manag., edited by M.K. Starr and S.K. Gupta, Taylor & Francis Group, NY, 2017, 197-213
2017 Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue Production and Operations Management Gaimon, Cheryl
Hora, Manpreet
Ramachandran, Karthik
Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, Manpreet Hora, Karthik Ramachandran, “Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue,” Production and Operations Management, Special Issue on Management of Technology, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2017, 567-578.
2017 Reply: Diabetogenic Potential of Ancestral and Modern Wheat Landraces Nutrients Gorelick, J.
Yarmolinksy, L.
Budovsky, A.
Khalfin, B.
Klein, J.D.
Pinchasov, Y.
Bushuev, M.
Rudchenko, T.
Ben-Shabat, S.
Published Papers
Gorelick, J., Yarmolinsky, L., Budovsky, A., Khalfin, B., Klein, J.D., Pinchasov, Y., Bushuev, M.A., Rudchenko, T. and Ben-Shabat, S. (2017). Reply: Diabetogenic Potential of Ancestral and Modern Wheat Landraces, Nutrients 2017, 9, 816. Nutrients, 9(9), 922.
2017 The impact of diet wheat source on the onset of Type 1 Diabetes mellitus – lessons learnt from the Non Obese Diabetic (NOD) mouse model Nutrients Gorelick, J.
Yarmolinksy, L.
Budovsky, A.
Khalfin, B.
Klein, J.D.
Pinchasov, Y.
Bushuev, M.
Rudchenko, T.
Ben-Shabat, S.
Published Papers
Gorelick J., Yarmolinksy L., Budovsky A., Khalfin B., Klein J.D., Pinchasov Y., Bushuev M., Rudchenko T., Ben-Shabat S. (2017). The impact of diet wheat source on the onset of Type 1 Diabetes mellitus – lessons learnt from the Non Obese Diabetic (NOD) mouse model. Nutrients, 9(5), 482.
2017 Improving delivery performance for asymmetric Laplace distributed delivery time in a two-stage supply chain International Journal of Production Research Bushuev, M.A.
Brown, J.R.
Rudchenko, T.
Published Papers
Bushuev M.A., Brown J.R., Rudchenko T. Improving delivery performance for asymmetric Laplace distributed delivery time in a two-stage supply chain. International Journal of Production Research (November 2017).
2017 Bridging Surplus with Need: Improving Healthcare in the Developing World Huffington Post Atasu, A.
Ayer, T.
Toktay, L.B.
Zhang, C.
Atasu, A., Ayer, T., Toktay, L.B., and C. Zhang. "Bridging Surplus with Need: Improving Healthcare in the Developing World," Huffington Post (2017).
2017 Collaborative Work Dynamics in Projects with Co-Production Production and Operations Management Rahmani, M.
Roels, G.
Karmarkar, U.S.
Published Papers
Rahmani, M., G. Roels, and U.S. Karmarkar. 2017. Collaborative Work Dynamics in Projects with Co-Production, Production and Operations Management, 4(26), 686-703.
2017 Do Empty Creditors Matter? Evidence from Distressed Exchange Offers Management Science Danis, A. Published Papers
Do Empty Creditors Matter? Evidence from Distressed Exchange Offers, Management Science, 2017, Volume 63, Number 5.
2017 Asset Pricing with Hand-to-Mouth Households: Joint Resolution of the Equity and Bond Risk Premium Puzzles TBD Hsu, Alex Working Papers
Hsu, Alex. “Asset Pricing with Hand-to-Mouth Households: Joint Resolution of the Equity and Bond Risk Premium Puzzles.” Working Paper, 2017.
2017 Final Report of the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology Patent Damages Workshop Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal Graham, S.
Menell, P.
Shapiro, C.
Simcoe, T.
Published Papers
Final Report of the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology Patent Damages Workshop” with P. Menell, C. Shapiro and T. Simcoe (2017). Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal, Vol. 25(1), pp. 115-142.
2016 3 Ways to Fix E-Waste Regulations Huffington Post Atasu, A.
Toktay, L.B.
Atasu, A. and L.B. Toktay, "3 Ways to Fix E-Waste Regulations", Huffington Post (2016).
2016 Design and Introduction of Conspicuous Durable Products M&SOM Agrawal, V.
Kavadias, S.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Agrawal, V., Kavadias, S. and L.B. Toktay, “Design and Introduction of Conspicuous Durable Products,” M&SOM 18:2 (2016), 216 – 226
2016 Extracting maximum value from consumer returns: Allocating between Remarketing and Refurbishing for Warranty Claims M&SOM Pince, C.
Ferguson, M.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Pince, C., Ferguson, M. and L.B. Toktay, “Extracting maximum value from consumer returns: Allocating between Remarketing and Refurbishing for Warranty Claims,” M&SOM 18:4 (2016), 475 – 492.
2016 The Interaction of Technology Choice and Financial Risk Management: An Integrated Risk Management Perspective Management Science Boyabatlı, O.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Boyabatlı, O. and L.B. Toktay, “The Interaction of Technology Choice and Financial Risk Management: An Integrated Risk Management Perspective,” Management Science 62:1 (2016), 225-244.
2016 How to manage alliances strategically MIT Sloan Management Review Other
Hoang, H., Rothaermel, F.T. (2016). How to manage alliances strategically. MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 58(1): 69-76.
2016 Knowledge Sharing in Online Health Communities Information and Management Zhang, Han
Yan, Zhijun
Wang, Tianmei
Chen, Yi
Published Papers
“Knowledge Sharing in Online Health Communities: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective,” with Zhijun Yan, Tianmei Wang and Yi Chen, Information and Management, Vol. 53, No. 5, July 2016, 643 – 653.
2015 elated Securities and Equity Market Quality: The Case of CDS. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Boehmer, E
Chava, Sudheer
Tookes, HE
Published Papers
Boehmer E, Chava S, Tookes HE. Related Securities and Equity Market Quality: The Case of CDS. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 2015;50(3):509-541. doi:10.1017/S0022109015000241
2015 Firm Performance in Dynamic Environments: The Role of Operational Slack and Operational Flexibility Journal of Operations Management Kovach, J.J.
Hora, M.
Manikas, A
Patel, P.C.
Published Papers
Kovach, J.J., Hora, M., Manikas, A. and Patel, P.C. 2015, “Firm Performance in Dynamic Environments: The Role of Operational Slack and Operational Flexibility,” Journal of Operations Management 37, 1–12
2015 Dynamic Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Development for Product and Process Design Teams Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Ozkan-Seely, Gulru
Gaimon, Cheryl
Kavadias, Stylianos
Published Papers
Ozkan-Seely, Gulru, Cheryl Gaimon, Stylianos Kavadias, “Dynamic Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Development for Product and Process Design Teams,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2015, 177-190.
2015 A Simple Nonnegative Process for Equilibrium Models Economics Letters Hsu, Alex
Palomino, Francisco
Published Papers
Hsu, Alex and Francisco Palomino. “A Simple Nonnegative Process for Equilibrium Models.” Economics Letters, Volume 132, July 2015, p. 39 – 44.
2015 Disclosing Patents' Secrets Science Graham, S.
Hegde, D.
Published Papers
Disclosing Patents' Secrets” with D. Hegde (2015). Science, Vol. 347, no. 6219, pp. 236-237 (January 16)
2015 Beyond Beauty- Design Symmetry and Brand Personality The Psychology of Design: Creating Consumer Desire Bajaj, Aditi
Bond, Samuel D.
Bajaj, Aditi, and Bond, Samuel D. (2015). “Beyond Beauty: Design Symmetry and Brand Personality,” in R. Batra, D. Brei, and C. Seifert (eds.), The Psychology of Design: Creating Consumer Desire Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
2015 Marketing an IPO Issuer in Early Stages of the IPO Process Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Bahadir, S. Cem
DeKinder, Jade S.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Bahadir, S. Cem, Jade S. DeKinder, and Ajay K. Kohli (2015), "Marketing an IPO Issuer in Early Stages of the IPO Process," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43 (January), 14-31.
2015 Does Brand Licensing Increase a Licensors Shareholder Value Management Science Robinson, B. Adina
Tuli, Kapil R.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Robinson, B. Adina, Kapil R. Tuli and Ajay K. Kohli (2015), “Does Brand Licensing Increase a Licensor’s Shareholder Value?,” Management Science, 61 (June), 1436-55.
2014 Impact of Bimodal and Lognormal Distribution in Ocean Transportation Transit Time on Logistics Costs Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Das, L.
Kalkanci, B.
C. Caplice
Published Papers
Das, L., B. Kalkanci, C. Caplice. 2014. Impact of Bimodal and Lognormal Distribution in Ocean Transportation Transit Time on Logistics Costs. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2409: 63-73.
2014 Complexity as a Contract Design Factor: Human-to-Human Experimental Study Production and Operations Management Kalkanci, B.
K-Y. Chen
F. Erhun
Published Papers
Kalkanci, B., K-Y. Chen, F. Erhun. 2014. Complexity as a Contract Design Factor: Human-to-Human Experimental Study. Production and Operations Management 23(2): 269-284.
2014 Refinancing, Profitability, and Capital Structure Journal of Financial Economics Danis, A.
Rettl, Daniel
Whited, Toni
Published Papers
Refinancing, Profitability, and Capital Structure, Journal of Financial Economics, December 2014, Volume 114, Issue 3. Co-authored with Daniel Rettl and Toni Whited.
2013 The Effect of Learning and Integration Investment on Manufacturing Outsourcing Decisions: A Game Theoretic Approach POM, Special Issue on Operations Integration Xiao, Wenli
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers
Xiao, Wenli, Cheryl Gaimon, “The Effect of Learning and Integration Investment on Manufacturing Outsourcing Decisions: A Game Theoretic Approach,” POM, Special Issue on Operations Integration, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2013, 1576-1592.
2013 Knowledge Management for the Entrepreneurial Firm Production and Operations Management Gaimon, Cheryl
Bailey, Jennifer
Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, Jennifer Bailey, “Knowledge Management for the Entrepreneurial Firm,” Production and Operations Management, Special Issue on Operations Entrepreneurship, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2013, 1429-1438.
2013 The Pitfalls of Subsystem Integration: When Less is More Management Scienc Erat, Sanjiv
Kavadias, Stylianos
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers
Erat, Sanjiv, Stylianos Kavadias, Cheryl Gaimon, “The Pitfalls of Subsystem Integration: When Less is More,” Management Science, Vol. 59, No. 3, 2013, 659-676.
2013 Student Performance in a Principle of Microeconomics Course under Hybrid and Face-to-Face Delivery American Journal of Educational Research Verhoeven, P.
Rudchenko, T.
Published Papers
Verhoeven P, Rudchenko T. Student Performance in a Principle of Microeconomics Course under Hybrid and Face-to-Face Delivery. American Journal of Educational Research, November 2013- P. 413-418
2013 How the Collection Cost Structure Drives the Manufacturer’s Reverse Channel Choice Production and Operations Management Atasu, A.
Toktay, L.B.
Van Wassenhove, L.N.
Published Papers
Atasu, A., Toktay, L.B. and L.N. Van Wassenhove, “How the Collection Cost Structure Drives the Manufacturer’s Reverse Channel Choice,” Production and Operations Management 22:5 (2013), 1089-1102.
2013 Component Commonality Strategies under Remanufacturing Production and Operations Management Subramanian, R.
Ferguson, M.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Subramanian, R., Ferguson, M. and L.B. Toktay, “Component Commonality Strategies under Remanufacturing,” Production and Operations Management, 22:1 (2013), 36-53.
2013 Show me the right stuff: Signals for high-tech startups Journal of Economics & Management Strategy Conti, A.
Thursby, M.
Rothaermel, F.T.
Conti, A., Thursby, M., Rothaermel, F.T. (2013). Show me the right stuff: Signals for high-tech startups. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 22 (2): 341-364.
2013 Why Do Users Continue Using Social Networking Sites Information and Management Zhang, Han
Ku, Yi-Cheng
Chen, Rui
Published Papers
“Why Do Users Continue Using Social Networking Sites? An Exploratory Study of Members in the United States and Taiwan,” with Yi-Cheng Ku and Rui Chen, Information and Management, Vol. 50, Issue 7, November 2013, 571-581.
2013 Word-of-Mouth and the Forecasting of Consumption Enjoyment Journal of Consumer Psychology He, Stephen
Bond, Samuel D.
Published Papers
He, Stephen, and Bond, Samuel D. (2013). “Word-of-Mouth and the Forecasting of Consumption enjoyment,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(4), 464-482.
2012 Pricing Games and the Impact of Private Information in Decentralized Assembly Systems Operations Research Published Papers
Kalkanci, B., F. Erhun. 2012. Pricing Games and the Impact of Private Information in Decentralized Assembly Systems. Operations Research 60(5): 1142-1156.
2012 Investing in Forecast Collaboration M&SOM Kurtuluş, M.
Toktay, L.B.
Ulku, S.
Published Papers
Kurtuluş, M., L.B. Toktay and S. Ulku, “Investing in Forecast Collaboration,” M&SOM Winter 2012 14:82-98.
2012 Is Leasing Greener than Selling? Management Science Agrawal, V.
Agrawal, V.
Toktay, L.B.
Thomas, V.
Published Papers
Agrawal, V., Agrawal, V., Toktay, L.B. and V. Thomas, “Is Leasing Greener than Selling?”, Management Science, 58:3 (2012), 523-533.
2012 Relicensing Fees as a Secondary Market Strategy Management Science Oraiopoulos, N.
Ferguson, M.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Oraiopoulos, N., Ferguson, M. and L.B. Toktay, “Relicensing Fees as a Secondary Market Strategy,” Management Science, 58:5 (2012), 1022-1037.
2012 Intellectual human capital and the emergence of biotechnology: Trends and patterns, 1974-2006 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Hess, A. M.
Rothaermel, F. T.
Hess, A. M., Rothaermel, F. T. (2012). Intellectual human capital and the emergence of biotechnology: Trends and patterns, 1974-2006. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59 (1): 65-76.
2012 When stars shine: The effects of faculty founders on new technology ventures Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Fuller, A.W.
Rothaermel, F.T.
Fuller, A.W., Rothaermel, F.T. (2012). When stars shine: The effects of faculty founders on new technology ventures. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 220-235.
2012 Implementing Changes in Marketing Strategy Journal of Marketing Research Sarin, Shikhar
Challagalla, Goutam
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Sarin, Shikhar, Goutam Challagalla and Ajay K. Kohli (2012), “Implementing Changes in Marketing Strategy: The Role of Perceived Outcome- and Process-Oriented Supervisory Actions,” Journal of Marketing Research, 49 (August) 564-580.
2012 The Relationship Between Unit Cost and Cumulative Quantity Journal of Economic Perspectives Thompson, Peter Published Papers
“The Relationship Between Unit Cost and Cumulative Quantity and the Evidence for Organizational Learning-by-Doing.” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(3), (Summer 2012).
2011 Dynamic Resource Capabilities: Managing Workforce Knowledge with a Technology Upgrade Organization Science Gaimon, Cheryl
Ozkan, Gulru
Napoleon, Karen
Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, Gulru Ozkan, Karen Napoleon, "Dynamic Resource Capabilities: Managing Workforce Knowledge with a Technology Upgrade," Organization Science, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2011, 1560-1578
2011 Contract Complexity and Performance under Asymmetric Demand Information: An Experimental Evaluation Management Science Kalkanci, B.
K-Y. Chen
F. Erhun
Published Papers
Kalkanci, B., K-Y. Chen, F. Erhun. 2011. Contract Complexity and Performance under Asymmetric Demand Information: An Experimental Evaluation. Management Science 57(4): 689-704.
2011 Category Captainship: Outsourcing Category Management Production and Operations Management Kurtuluş, M.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Kurtuluş, M. and L.B. Toktay, “Category Captainship: Outsourcing Category Management,” Production and Operations Management, 20:1 (2011), 47 - 56
2011 Internal Transfer Pricing for Remanufacturable Products Production and Operations Management Toktay, L.B.
Wei, D.
Published Papers
Toktay, L.B. and D. Wei, “Internal Transfer Pricing for Remanufacturable Products,” Production and Operations Management 20:6 (2011), 841 – 847.
2011 Stochastic Capacity Investment and Technology Choice in Imperfect Capital Markets Management Science Boyabatlı, O.
Toktay, L.B.
Published Papers
Boyabatlı, O. and L.B. Toktay, “Stochastic Capacity Investment and Technology Choice in Imperfect Capital Markets,” Management Science, 57:12 (2011), 2163-2179.
2011 The Threat from Within- Account Managers Concern Management Science Murtha, Brian R.
Challagalla, Goutam
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Murtha, Brian R., Goutam Challagalla and Ajay K. Kohli (2011), “The Threat from Within: Account Managers’ Concern About Opportunism by Their Own Team Members,” Management Science, 57 (September), 1580-1593.
2011 Stars and Misfits- Self-Employment and Labor Market Frictions Management Science Åstebro, Thomas
Chen, Jing
Thompson, Peter
Published Papers
“Stars and Misfits. Self-Employment and Labor Market Frictions.” [with Thomas Astebro and Jing Chen]. Management Science, 57:1999-2017 (November 2011)
2011 Entrepreneurs- Jacks of all Trades or Hobos Research Policy Astebro, Thomas
Thompson, Peter
Published Papers
"Entrepreneurs: Jacks of all Trades or Hobos?” [with Thomas Astebro], Research Policy, 40:637–64 (June 2011).
2011 Employee Spinoffs and the Choice of Technology Review of Economic Dynamics Chen, Jing
Thompson, Peter
Published Papers
“Employee Spinoffs and the Choice of Technology” [with Jing Chen], Review of Economic Dynamics, 14:455–474 (June 2011).
2010 Innovation strategies combined MIT Sloan Management Review Rothaermel, F.T.
Hess, A.M.
Rothaermel, F.T., Hess, A.M. (2010). Innovation strategies combined. MIT Sloan Management Review, Spring 51(3): 12-15.
2010 Improving the Generation of Decision Objectives Decision Analysis Bond, Samuel D.
Carlson, Kurt, A.
Keeney, Ralph L.
Published Papers
Bond, Samuel D., Carlson, Kurt, A., and Keeney, Ralph L. (2010). “Improving the Generation of Decision Objectives,” Decision Analysis, 7(3), 238-255.
2010 Ties that Bind- The Impact of Multiple Types of Ties with a Customer Journal of Marketing Research Tuli, Kapil R.
Bharadwaj, Sundar
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Tuli, Kapil R., Sundar Bharadwaj and Ajay K. Kohli (2010), “Ties that Bind: The Impact of Multiple Types of Ties with a Customer on Sales Growth and Sales Volatility,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (February), 36-50.
2010 Learning by Doing Chapter 11 in the Handbook of Economics of Technical Change Thompson, Peter Other
“Learning by Doing.” Chapter 11 in the Handbook of Economics of Technical Change, edited by Bronwyn H. Hall and Nathan Rosenberg, North-Holland/Elsevier (March 2010).
2009 Revenue Driven Resource Allocation and Effective NPD Portfolio Management Management Science Chao, Raul
Kavadias, Stylianos
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers
Chao, Raul, Stylianos Kavadias, Cheryl Gaimon, "Revenue Driven Resource Allocation and Effective NPD Portfolio Management," Management Science, Vol. 55, No. 9, 2009, 1556-1569.
2009 Finding an innovation strategy that works Wall Street Journal Rothaermel, F.T.
Hess, A.M.
Rothaermel, F.T., Hess, A.M. (2009). Finding an innovation strategy that works. Wall Street Journal, August 17.
2009 Proactive Postsales Service- When and Why Journal of Marketing Challagalla, Goutam
Venkatesh, R.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Challagalla, Goutam, R. Venkatesh and Ajay K. Kohli (2009), “Proactive Postsales Service: When and Why Does it Pay Off?,” Journal of Marketing, 73 (March), 70-87.
2008 The Management of Technology: A Production and Operations Management Perspective Production and Operations Management Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, "The Management of Technology: A Production and Operations Management Perspective" Production and Operations Management, Special Issue on Management of Technology, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2008, 1-11.
2008 International Labor Mobility and Knowledge Flow Externalities Journal of International Business Studies Oettl, Alexander
Agrawal, Ajay
Published Papers
Oettl, Alexander and Ajay Agrawal. 2008. "International Labor Mobility and Knowledge Flow Externalities." Journal of International Business Studies, 39, 1242–1260.
2008 Inter-cluster innovation differentials: The role of research universities IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Rothaermel, F.T.
Ku, D.
Rothaermel, F.T., Ku, D. (2008). Inter-cluster innovation differentials: The role of research universities. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 54 (1): 9-22.
2008 Appropriating the returns to innovation Advances in Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth Ceccagnoli, M.
Rothaermel, F.T.
Ceccagnoli, M., Rothaermel, F.T. (2008). Appropriating the returns to innovation. Advances in Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, 18: 11-34.
2008 Competitive advantage in technology intensive industries Advances in Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth Rothaermel, F.T. Other
Rothaermel, F.T. (2008). Competitive advantage in technology intensive industries. Advances in Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, 18: 203-226.
2008 Determinants of Online Merchant Rating Decision Support Systems Zhang, Han
Qu, Zhe
Li, Clifford Haizheng
Published Papers
“Determinants of Online Merchant Rating: Content Analysis of Yahoo Merchant Comments,” with Zhe Qu and Clifford Haizheng Li, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 46, No. 1, December 2008, 440-449.
2008 Generating Objectives- Can Decision Makers Articulate What They Want Management Science Bond, Samuel D.
Carlson, Kurt A.
Keeney, Ralph L.
Published Papers
Bond, Samuel D., Carlson, Kurt A., and Keeney, Ralph L. (2008). “Generating Objectives: Can Decision Makers Articulate What They Want?” Management Science, 54(1), 56-70.
2008 Consumer Judgment from a Dual-systems perspective Review of Marketing Research Bond, Samuel D.
Bettman, James R.
Luce, Mary F.
Published Papers
Bond, Samuel D., Bettman, James R., and Luce, Mary F. (2008). “Consumer Judgment from a Dual-systems perspective: Recent Evidence and Emerging Issues.” In N. K. Malhotra (ed.), Review of Marketing Research, Vol. 5, Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
2008 Flow Signals- How Patterns Over Time Affect the Acceptance of Start-Up Firms Journal of Marketing DeKinder, Jade S.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
DeKinder, Jade S. and Ajay K. Kohli (2008), “Flow Signals: How Patterns Over Time Affect the Acceptance of Start-Up Firms,” Journal of Marketing, 72 (September), 84-97.
2008 Desperate Housewives- Communication Difficulties and the Dynamics of Marital un-Happiness The Economic Journal Thompson, Peter Published Papers
“Desperate Housewives? Communication Difficulties and the Dynamics of Marital (un)Happiness,” The Economic Journal, 118:1640-1669 (October 2008).
2007 University entrepreneurship: A taxonomy of the literature Industrial and Corporate Change Rothaermel, F.T.
Agung, S.
Jiang, L.
Rothaermel, F.T., Agung, S., Jiang, L. (2007). University entrepreneurship: A taxonomy of the literature. Industrial and Corporate Change, 16 (4): 691-791.
2007 The nanotech vs. the biotech revolution: Sources of incumbent productivity in research Research Policy Rothaermel, F.T.
Thursby, M.
Rothaermel, F.T., Thursby, M. (2007). The nanotech vs. the biotech revolution: Sources of incumbent productivity in research. Research Policy, 36 (6): 832-849.
2007 Rethinking Customer Solutions- From Product Bundles Journal of Marketing Tuli, Kapil R.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Bharadwaj, Sundar G.
Published Papers
Tuli, Kapil R., Ajay K. Kohli and Sundar G. Bharadwaj (2007), “Rethinking Customer Solutions: From Product Bundles to Relational Processes,” Journal of Marketing, 71 (July), 1-17.
2007 How Much Did the Liberty Shipbuilders Forget Management Science Thompson, Peter Published Papers
“How Much Did the Liberty Shipbuilders Forget?” Management Science, 53(6):908-918 (June 2007).
2007 Submarkets and the Evolution of Market Structure RAND Journal of Economics Klepper, Steven
Thompson, Peter
Published Papers
"Submarkets and the Evolution of Market Structure” [with Steven Klepper], RAND Journal of Economics, 37(4):862-888 (March 2007).
2006 Alliance type, alliance experience, and alliance management capability in high-technology ventures Journal of Business Venturing Rothaermel, F.T.
Deeds, D.L.
Rothaermel, F.T., Deeds, D.L. (2006). Alliance type, alliance experience, and alliance management capability in high-technology ventures. Journal of Business Venturing, 21 (4): 429-460.
2006 International market entry by U.S. Internet firms: An empirical analysis of country risk, national culture, and market size Journal of Management Rothaermel, F. T.
Kotha, S.
Steensma, H. K.
Rothaermel, F. T., Kotha, S., & Steensma, H. K. (2006). International market entry by U.S. Internet firms: An empirical analysis of country risk, national culture, and market size. Journal of Management, 31 (1): 56-82.
2006 Factors Affecting Payment Choices in Online Auctions Decision Support Systems Zhang, Han
Li, Clifford Haizheng
Published Papers
“Factors Affecting Payment Choices in Online Auctions: A Study of eBay Traders,” with Clifford Haizheng Li, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 42, No. 2, November 2006, 1076-1088.
2006 Information Distortion in the Evaluation of a Single Option Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Bond, Samuel D.
Carlson, Kurt A.
Meloy, Margaret G.
Tanner, Robin J.
Russo, J. Edward
Published Papers
Bond, Samuel D., Carlson, Kurt A., Meloy, Margaret G., Tanner, Robin J., and Russo, J. Edward (2006). “Information Distortion in the Evaluation of a Single Option,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 102(2), 240-254.
2006 Improving Preference Assessment Management Science Carlson, Kurt, C.
Bond, Samuel D.
Published Papers
Carlson, Kurt C., and Bond, Samuel D. (2006). "Improving Preference Assessment: Limiting the Effects of Context Through Pre-exposure to Attribute Levels,” Management Science, 52(3), 410-421.
2006 Patent Citations and the Geography of Knowledge Spillovers Review of Economics and Statistics Thompson, Peter Published Papers
“Patent Citations and the Geography of Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from Inventor- and Examiner-Added Citations,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 88(2):383-389 (March 2006)
2005 Investment in Changeover Flexibility for Early Entry in High Tech Markets Production and Operations Management Gaimon, Cheryl
Morton, Alysse
Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, Alysse Morton, "Investment in Changeover Flexibility for Early Entry in High Tech Markets," Production and Operations Management, Special Issue on High Tech Production and Operations Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2005, 159-174.
2005 University-incubator firm knowledge flows: Assessing their impact on incubator firm performance Research Policy Rothaermel, F.T.
Thursby, M.
Rothaermel, F.T., Thursby, M. (2005a). University-incubator firm knowledge flows: Assessing their impact on incubator firm performance. Research Policy, 34 (3): 305-320.
2005 Incubator firm failure or graduation? The role of university linkages Research Policy Rothaermel, F. T.
Thursby, M.
Rothaermel, F. T., Thursby, M. (2005b). Incubator firm failure or graduation? The role of university linkages. Research Policy, 34 (7): 1076-1090.
2005 Patent Citations and the Geography of Knowledge Spillovers- A Reassessment American Economic Review Thompson, Peter
Kean, Melanie Fox
Published Papers
“Patent Citations and the Geography of Knowledge Spillovers: A Reassessment” [with Melanie Fox Kean]. American Economic Review, 95(1): 450-460 (March 2005).
2005 Selection and Firm Survival- Evidence from the Shipbuilding Industry Review of Economics and Statistics Thompson, Peter Published Papers
“Selection and Firm Survival. Evidence from the Shipbuilding Industry, 1825-1914,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 87(1):26-36 (February 2005).
2004 The Creation of Output and Quality in Services: A Framework to Analyze Information Technology-Worker Systems POM., Special Issue "Service Strategy & Technology Applications," Napoleon, Karen
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers
Napoleon, Karen, Cheryl Gaimon, "The Creation of Output and Quality in Services: A Framework to Analyze Information Technology-Worker Systems," POM., Special Issue "Service Strategy & Technology Applications," Vol. 13, No. 3, 2004, 245-259
2004 Managing Knowledge-Based Resource Capabilities Under Uncertainty Management Science Carrillo, Janice
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers
Carrillo, Janice, Cheryl Gaimon, "Managing Knowledge-Based Resource Capabilities Under Uncertainty," Management Science, Volume 50, No. 11, 2004, 1504-1518.
2004 The Creation of Output and Quality in Services: A Framework to Analyze Information Technology-Worker Systems POM, Special Issue on "Service Strategy and Technology Applications" Napoleon, Karen
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers
Napoleon, Karen, Cheryl Gaimon, "The Creation of Output and Quality in Services: A Framework to Analyze Information Technology-Worker Systems," POM, Special Issue on "Service Strategy and Technology Applications," Vol. 13, No. 3, 2004, 245-259.
2003 Analysis of Lead Time and Learning for Capacity Expansions Production & Operations Management Gaimon, Cheryl
Burgess, Robert
Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, Robert Burgess, "Analysis of Lead Time and Learning for Capacity Expansions," Production & Operations Management, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2003, 128-140.
2003 Honeymoons and liabilities: The relationship between age and performance in R&D alliances Journal of Product Innovation Management Deeds, D. L.
Rothaermel, F. T.
Deeds, D. L., & Rothaermel, F. T. (2003). Honeymoons and liabilities: The relationship between age and performance in R&D alliances. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 20 (6): 468-484.
2002 Technological discontinuities and interfirm cooperation: What determines a start-up’s attractiveness as alliance partner? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Rothaermel, F. T. Other
Rothaermel, F. T. (2002). Technological discontinuities and interfirm cooperation: What determines a start-up’s attractiveness as alliance partner? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49 (4): 388-397.
2002 A Smarter Way to Sell Commodities Harvard Business Review Lurie, Robert S.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Lurie, Robert S. and Ajay K. Kohli (2002), “A Smarter Way to Sell Commodities,” Harvard Business Review, 80 (April), 24-26.
2001 Assets and actions: Firm-specific factors in the internationalization of U.S. Internet firms. Journal of International Business Studies Kotha, S.
Rindova, V.
Rothaermel, F. T.
Kotha, S., Rindova, V., & Rothaermel, F. T. (2001). Assets and actions: Firm-specific factors in the internationalization of U.S. Internet firms. Journal of International Business Studies, 32 (4): 769-791.
2001 Virtual Internet communities and commercial success: Individual and community-level theory grounded in the atypical case of Journal of Management Rothaermel, F. T.
Sugiyama, S.
Rothaermel, F. T., & Sugiyama, S. (2001). Virtual Internet communities and commercial success: Individual and community-level theory grounded in the atypical case of Journal of Management, 27 (3): 297-312.
2001 Complementary assets, strategic alliances, and the incumbent’s advantage: An empirical study of industry and firm effects in the biopharmaceutical industry Research Policy Rothaermel, F. T. Other
Rothaermel, F. T. (2001). Complementary assets, strategic alliances, and the incumbent’s advantage: An empirical study of industry and firm effects in the biopharmaceutical industry. Research Policy, 30 (8): 1235-1251.
2001 Learning from Experience and Learning From Others American Economic Review Thornton, Rebecca Achee
Thompson, Peter
Published Papers
“Learning from Experience and Learning From Others. An exploration of learning and spillovers in wartime shipbuilding” [with Rebecca Achee Thornton], American Economic Review, 91(5):1350-1368 (December 2001).
2001 The Microeconomics of an R&D-Based Model of Endogenous Growth Journal of Economic Growth Thompson, Peter Published Papers
“The Microeconomics of an R&D-Based Model of Endogenous Growth,” Journal of Economic Growth, 6(4):263-283 (December 2001).
2001 How Much Did the Liberty Shipbuilders Learn Journal of Political Economy Thompson, Peter Published Papers
“How Much Did the Liberty Shipbuilders Learn? New Evidence for an Old Case Study,” Journal of Political Economy, 109(1):103-137 (February 2001).
2000 Technological discontinuities and the nature of competition Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Rothaermel, F. T. Other
Rothaermel, F. T. (2000). Technological discontinuities and the nature of competition. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 12 (2): 149-160.
2000 Improving Manufacturing Performance Through Process Change and Knowledge Creation Management Science Carrillo, Janice
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers
Carrillo, Janice, Cheryl Gaimon, "Improving Manufacturing Performance Through Process Change and Knowledge Creation," Management Science, Volume 46, No. 2, 2000, 265-288.
2000 Market Driven vs. Driving Markets Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Jaworski, Bernard J.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Sahay, Arvind
Published Papers
Jaworski, Bernard J., Ajay K. Kohli, and Arvind Sahay (2000), “Market Driven vs. Driving Markets,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 26 (Winter), 45-54.
1999 Dynamic competitive strategy: Towards a multi-perspective conceptual framework Long Range Planning Shay, J. P.
Rothaermel, F. T.
Shay, J. P., & Rothaermel, F. T. (1999). Dynamic competitive strategy: Towards a multi-perspective conceptual framework. Long Range Planning, 32 (6): 559-572.
1998 Learning and Performance Orientation of Salespeople Journal of Marketing Research Kohli, Ajay K.
Shervani, Tasadduq A.
Challagalla, Goutam N.
Published Papers
Kohli, Ajay K., Tasadduq A. Shervani, and Goutam N. Challagalla (1998), “Learning and Performance Orientation of Salespeople: The Role of Supervisors,” Journal of Marketing Research, 35 (May), 263-274.
1997 Planning Information Technology - Knowledge Worker Systems Management Science Gaimon, Cheryl Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, "Planning Information Technology - Knowledge Worker Systems," Management Science, Volume 43, No. 9, 1997, 1308-1328.
1996 Market Intelligence Dissemination Across Functional Boundaries Journal of Marketing Research Maltz, Elliot
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Maltz, Elliot and Ajay K. Kohli (1996) “Market Intelligence Dissemination Across Functional Boundaries,” Journal of Marketing Research, 33 (February), 47-61.
1994 Subcontracting Versus Capacity Expansion and the Impact on the Pricing of Services Naval Research Logistics Gaimon, Cheryl Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, "Subcontracting Versus Capacity Expansion and the Impact on the Pricing of Services," Naval Research Logistics, Volume 41, No. 7, 1994, 875-892.
1993 MARKOR- A Measure of Market Orientation Journal of Marketing Research Kohli, Ajay K.
Jaworski, Bernard J.
Kumar, Ajith
Published Papers
Kohli, Ajay K., Bernard J. Jaworski, and Ajith Kumar (1993), “MARKOR: A Measure of Market Orientation,” Journal of Marketing Research, 30 (November), 467-77.
1993 Market Orientation- Antecedents and Consequences Journal of Marketing Jaworski, Bernard J.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Jaworski, Bernard J. and Ajay K. Kohli (1993), “Market Orientation: Antecedents and Consequences,” Journal of Marketing, 57 (July), 53-70.
1991 Supervisory Feedback- Alternative Types and Their Impact Journal of Marketing Research Jaworski, Bernard J.
Kohli, Ajay K.
Published Papers
Jaworski, Bernard J. and Ajay K. Kohli (1991), “Supervisory Feedback: Alternative Types and Their Impact on Salespeople's Performance and Satisfaction,” Journal of Marketing Research, 28 (May), 190-201.
1990 Market Orientation- The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications Journal of Marketing Kohli, Ajay K.
Jaworski, Bernard J.
Published Papers
Kohli, Ajay K. and Bernard J. Jaworski (1990), “Market Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications,” Journal of Marketing, 54 (April), 1-18.
1989 Dynamic Game Results on the Acquisition of New Technology Operations Research Gaimon, Cheryl Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, "Dynamic Game Results on the Acquisition of New Technology," Operations Research, Volume 37, Number 3, May-June 1989, 410-425.
1986 The Optimal Acquisition of New Technology and Its Impact on Dynamic Pricing Policies Studies in Management Science and Systems Gaimon, Cheryl Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, "The Optimal Acquisition of New Technology and Its Impact on Dynamic Pricing Policies," Studies in Management Science and Systems, B. Lev, Editor, Volume 13, 1986, 187-206.
1986 Optimal Inventory, Backlogging, and Machine Loading in a Serial, Multi-Stage, Multi-Period Production Environment International Journal of Production Research Gaimon, Cheryl Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, "Optimal Inventory, Backlogging, and Machine Loading in a Serial, Multi-Stage, Multi-Period Production Environment," International Journal of Production Research, Volume 24, 1986, 647-662.
1985 The Acquisition of Automation Subject to Diminishing Returns IIE Transactions Gaimon, Cheryl Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, "The Acquisition of Automation Subject to Diminishing Returns," IIE Transactions, Volume 17, 1985, 147-156. (Also, one of two research articles featured in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, November, 1985 issue.)
1985 The Optimal Acquisition of Automation to Enhance the Productivity of Labor Management Science Gaimon, Cheryl Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl, "The Optimal Acquisition of Automation to Enhance the Productivity of Labor," Management Science, Volume 31, 1985, 1175-1190.
1984 A Distributed Parameter Cohort Personnel Planning Model Using Cross-Sectional Data Management Science Gaimon, Cheryl
Thompson, Gerald L.
Published Papers
Gaimon, Cheryl and Gerald L. Thompson, "A Distributed Parameter Cohort Personnel Planning Model Using Cross-Sectional Data," Management Science, Volume 30, 1984, 750-764.
0000 Priority-based Environmental Inspection Strategies NA Mohammadshahi, Y.
Keskinocak, P.
Toktay, L.B.
Wang, H.
Published Papers
Mohammadshahi Y., Keskinocak, P., Toktay, L.B. and H. Wang, “Priority-based Environmental Inspection Strategies."
0000 Productivity and Helpfulness: Implications of a New Taxonomy for Star Scientists TBD Oettl, Alexander Working Papers
Productivity and Helpfulness: Implications of a New Taxonomy for Star Scientists
Showing of 413

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