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Frank T. Rothaermel

Regents' Professor

Russell B. and Nancy H. McDonough Chair in Business; Sloan Industry Studies Fellow


Frank T. Rothaermel is Regents' Professor, holds the Russell and Nancy McDonough Chair in the Scheller College of Business at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GT), and is an Alfred P. Sloan Industry Studies Fellow. He received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award,  “the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious award in support of those teacher-scholars who most effectively integrate research and education" (NSF CAREER Award description). Bloomberg Businessweek named Frank one of Georgia Tech’s Prominent Faculty, while Poets & Quants selected Frank (multiple times) as one of the “Favorite Business School Professors Teaching MBAs.” He received the Theory-to-Practice Award from the Vienna Strategy Forum at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The Kauffman Foundation views Frank as one of the world’s 75 thought leaders in entrepreneurship and innovation.

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