Your Scheller Undergraduate Career Team is here to provide the following services to help you pursue your career. We are here to empower you to land your dream opportunity.
Targeted Career Resources in Canvas
Log in to your Canvas account and access the Scheller College of Business Career Resources from your dashboard view.
Canvas career resources include:
- Internship, co-op, and full-time opportunities targeting business undergraduates
- Career content focusing on over 60 topics including sample resumes, interview prep, negotiation tips, and more
- Review the weekly jobs announcement and discussion board to see what employers are coming to Scheller
Meet with your Career Team
Undergraduate Business students can schedule an appointment with our career team through Navigate360.
- Michael Dutcher, Director of Scheller College of Business Undergraduate Career Education:
- Jessica Zlotcavitch, Corporate Relations Manager:
Access Campus-Wide Resources
- Practice Mock Interviews on BigInterview
- Industry Guides from Vault
- Campus-wide Job Board, CareerBuzz
- LinkedIn Learning (Sign in using your Georgia Tech email address to access the content.)