After Leave of Absence (Not Due to Academic Drop/Dismissal)
Students who have been away from Georgia Tech for two or more semesters and are in good standing, probation, or warning status must reapply through the Registrar. Further information can be found at the Office of the Registrar.
After First Drop/Dismissal from Georgia Tech
The Scheller College of Business has a very different readmission process from other Colleges at Georgia Tech. Please read all directions and follow the procedures listed below to be considered for readmission after the first drop.
- Competitive readmission: Not every applicant is readmitted to Scheller. Through your readmissions application and interview (if selected) we attempt to discern if you are a viable candidate for readmission.
- Wait period: Scheller has a two-semester wait period for readmissions after academic drop. For example, a student who dropped out at the end of the spring semester must sit out both summer and fall semesters.
- Attend another college: Dismissed students should attend another college during their time away from Tech. The Readmissions Committee wants to see students earn a 3.0 GPA in at least nine credits in one term at another college to show readiness for and commitment to succeeding in college-level coursework. Preferably these would be degree applicable credits.
- Personal assessment: Applicants for readmission must complete a personal assessment analyzing the reasons or the behaviors that caused the drop. This requires students to take responsibility for their previous performance. If a family or personal emergency was the cause of the dismissal, please wait until these issues are resolved before applying for readmission. If the reasons are behavioral (time management, motivation, socializing too much, study skills, etc.), please include a plan to address these issues. Only students who have shown positive growth while away from Georgia Tech will be considered for readmissions. Thoroughness in the personal assessment is expected. Assessments that lack reflection and a plan for future success will not be considered.
- Readmission Interview: If your application materials are determined to be compelling, you will be invited for an interview with the Readmissions Committee.
- Academic contract: All readmitted students are placed on a two-semester academic contract during which they must earn a certain GPA for each of those two semesters. Failure to meet the contract terms will result in permanent dismissal from Georgia Tech.
- Advising meetings: During your first semester on contract, readmitted students are required to meet with a Scheller academic advisor at least twice to discuss academic performance.
- Class attendance and academic expectations: While on contract, students are expected to attend all classes, participate in the courses fully as outlined in the syllabi, arrive on time to class, submit all assignments by the deadlines, and visit professors' office hours and participate in academic success seminars.
- Working while on contract: Students on contract who want to attend school full-time are not permitted to work more than 20 hours per week. If the student needs to work more than 20 hours per week, he or she may still be readmitted, but only as a part-time student. The Georgia Tech Office of Financial Aid often allows readmitted students to continue receiving financial aid. Contact your financial aid advisor to discuss aid options.
After Second Drop/Dismissal from Georgia Tech
According to the General Catalog for the Georgia Institute of Technology, "a student who is dropped a second time for an unsatisfactory scholarship will not be readmitted," and the Scheller College of Business adheres to this policy.
Academic Renewal
Academic renewal for the student signals the initiation of a new grade point average to be used for determining academic standing. Students who are eligible and interested in academic renewal should make it known at the beginning of their readmissions process. See more information.
How Do You Know If You Are Ready to Apply?
The students who are successful on contract are the students who make a commitment to changing their behavior or addressing the problems that kept them from succeeding at Georgia Tech. Most of our contract students progress from probation to good standing students, but some students chose not to address the problems that lead to their dismissal and are dropped a second time.
Applying For Readmission
To apply for readmission, send an email to Lindsay Staar to request the full Scheller readmission packet. Take your time with the personal assessment and other required materials since it helps us determine if you are ready for readmission. Readmission to Scheller is not guaranteed. You will be contacted if you have been selected for an interview with the Readmissions Committee.
Readmissions documents should first be submitted to the Scheller College of Business, which will review them, interview the student, decide whether or not to support the application, and then forward the readmission documents to the registrar for the final review and decision .
Readmission Term | Student Document Submission Deadline | Scheller College of Business Document Submission Deadline |
Fall |
May 15 |
June 1 |
Spring |
September 15 |
October 1 |
Summer |
January 15 |
February 1 |