An MBA is a lot like motherhood: it is one of the most challenging and rewarding things you will ever take on. Both require vision beyond the present. There are long nights, emotional ups and downs, and pushing past your comfort zone. Both an MBA and motherhood encourage you to discover your inner strength and the need for a supportive network.
There will always be a need to balance the personal alongside the professional, which for many women, means when to start a family or deciding when to go back to school while raising children. Completing an MBA while balancing family obligations is anything but easy, and the Scheller College of Business is intent on providing the opportunity and support mothers need to accomplish their professional ambitions alongside their personal aspirations.
It has been said that “You can’t be what you can’t see.” While we embrace the groundbreakers, when it comes to mixing babies with an MBA, it’s nice to know the road is a well-traveled one. Enrollment numbers for mothers, or soon-to-be-mothers, vary across Scheller’s Full-time, Evening, and Executive MBA programs as each offers its own unique timeframe, flexibility, and requirements.