Cost Type | Amount |
Tuition | In-State: $1,160/Credit Hour Out-of-State: $1,625/Credit Hour Out-of-Country: $1,656/Credit Hour |
Fees* | $773/Semester |
Total Estimated Program Tuition (Georgia Resident)** | $62,640 |
*Mandatory fees cover all non-academic benefits students enjoy such as athletics, the campus recreation center (CRC), the health center, computer labs, trolleys and buses, the student center, and more.
**Because of the flexible nature of the Evening MBA program, tuition and fees will vary depending on when a student begins the program and how long it takes to complete the program. Tuition and fees are subject to change after any academic term.
Not a Georgia resident, but recently moved to the state?
You may still be eligible for Georgia resident tuition. Candidates who have relocated to Georgia for full-time employment, as well as their spouses, may qualify for Georgia resident tuition.