Full-time MBA Test-Optional FAQs

Applying Without a GMAT, GMAT Focus, or GRE Score
The Full-time MBA program accepts the GMAT, GMAT Focus, and GRE standardized tests. You may choose to submit an Executive Assessment (EA), LSAT, or MCAT standardized test score as supplemental information for the admission committee to review as part of your application.
Scheller's test-optional admissions policy provides candidates the option to apply without a standardized test score.
The Full-time MBA program does not have a preference between the GMAT, GMAT Focus, or GRE. In our review process, we consider a number of factors to determine your ability to handle the academic rigors of the program, achieve success in the career development process, and contribute actively and positively to our community. Test scores are just one piece of information considered in the review process.
Yes, we will review and consider any test scores that have been sent to Georgia Tech.
GMAT, GMAT Focus, and GRE scores are valid for five years, but you may point to the results as evidence of quantitative or verbal aptitude in your request to be considered without a standardized test score.
Yes, there are several reasons to submit a test score:
If you had weaker performance as an undergrad, a strong test score may help demonstrate quantitative aptitude.
If your career goals include consulting or finance, employers in these industries sometimes use GMAT and GRE scores as screening measures.
A strong standardized test score can strengthen your qualification for fellowships and graduate assistantships.
International candidates: If you are an international applicant, we strongly recommend submitting a test score to strengthen your competitiveness for admission and funding awards.
Candidates who meet several of the criteria below could consider applying without a test score:
Demonstration of success and strong record in undergraduate coursework and degree
Three or more years of professional work experience
Quantitative or analytical educational and/or professional experience
Professional certifications (CPA, CFA, PE)
Advanced degree (Graduate, masters, or professional degrees)
Georgia Tech undergrad with a strong academic record
These criteria will be considered along with other factors (transcripts, resume, interview) when assessing a candidate for admission.
In the MBA Supplemental portion of the online application, select that you want to be considered without a test score. The question will be under the test-optional section. Once you select yes, an essay question will populate.
Utilize this essay to highlight the criteria that point to evidence supporting your academic preparedness without a test score. Also include any quantitative experience in your professional and academic history that you believe has equipped you to succeed academically in the MBA program. (2,000 character limit).
International candidates: If you are an international applicant, we strongly recommend submitting a test score to strengthen your competitiveness for admission and funding awards.
There are potential implications should you choose not to provide a GMAT, GMAT Focus, or GRE score as part of your admissions portfolio.
In the application review process, our admissions committee seeks confirmation that you can be successful in a rigorous, highly quantitative program. Often, a strong GMAT, GMAT Focus, or GRE score can instill confidence in our committee when extending interview and admission invitations.
Additionally, a test score can strongly influence committee decisions on merit-based funding via fellowships and graduate assistantship awards.
Lastly, having a strong GMAT, GMAT Focus, or GRE on hand during the job recruiting process can be beneficial. Employers in some industries, particularly finance and consulting, could request scores in their screening and hiring process.
International candidates: If you are an international applicant, we strongly recommend submitting a test score to strengthen your competitiveness for admission and funding awards.
If you submit your application without a test score, an admissions officer will contact you within the two weeks following the application round deadline if we require more information from you to evaluate your application.
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