Programs and Initiatives
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Learn More About Our Signature Programs
We are proud of our impact!

BIB (Blacks in Business)
We unite Scheller students in a bond of professionalism for the purposes of accelerating development in business while building a sustainable community of support that empowers its members. We educate, advocate, and promote the overall awareness of issues that face Blacks in business.
Audience: G

Carbon Reduction Challenge
The Carbon Reduction Challenge is a competition focused on empowering students to become part of the climate change solution. Students work with an organization on a project that achieves significant reductions in carbon emissions and yields cost savings, while creating a meaningful experience for the student to learn more about advocating for climate action.
Audience: UG, G

Drawdown Georgia Business Compact
The Compact leverages the collective impact of the Georgia business community to achieve net zero carbon emissions in the state through a just, prosperous, and sustainable transition. This inclusive initiative seeks diverse participation while building on the leadership of those businesses headquartered and/or operating in Georgia with net-zero carbon emission targets or similar ambitions.
Audience: Business Community

GT Electrify
ElectrifyGT is a student-led campaign for campus electrification at Georgia Tech. We advocate for a transition to electric equipment, appliances, and vehicles across campus by garnering student support, engaging key stakeholders, and providing research and resources to aid in a responsible transition.
Audience: UG, G

MBA (STEM) Sustainability Concentration
Gain a deeper understanding of business-relevant trends and innovation opportunities related to resource scarcity, environmental concerns, societal needs, emerging technologies, and policy developments. The flexibility of the concentration in strategic sustainability supports those seeking to strengthen traditional career paths as well as those wanting to dive deeper and explore careers focused on particular sustainability-related areas.
Audience: G

Net Impact
Net Impact believes the business sector is critical in driving positive social and environmental change, but also that a triple bottom line perspective is best for business. Our mission is to provide knowledge, develop skills, host events, and facilitate connections for all our members in their pursuit of this vision.
Audience: UG, G

Sustainable Business Certificate
Georgia Tech undergraduates from any major can pursue a Certificate in Sustainable Business. The coursework in the Certificate for Sustainable Business will prepare students to apply a sustainability lens to challenging business problems to help shape and make business decisions.
Audience: UG

Sustainability Fellows and Ambassadors
Our Fellows and Ambassadors deepen their engagement in sustainability by working on projects that address real-world challenges being faced by on-campus and external partnering organizations. The program for Fellows and Ambassadors prepares a growing number of Georgia Tech graduates for meaningful engagement in sustainable business across diverse roles.
Audience: UG, G