Executive MBA

Student Opportunities
Both the Global Business and Management of Technology specializations in the Executive MBA program include the course, Business Strategies for Sustainability. The course provides executives with skills to realign a company’s competitive positioning with positive social outcomes, innovate by turning environmental and social challenges into business opportunities, and become a transformative, far-sighted leader in the era of climate change.
Scheller College Graduate Sustainability Fellows
Fellows deepen their engagement in sustainability by working on year-long projects.
Net Impact - MBA Chapter
The Net Impact club supports the development of future business leaders by elevating awareness of sustainability and equipping students with skills to address environmental and social impact issues as they progress in their careers. The MBA Chapter holds a National Gold Status Chapter designation.
For more information, contact Kjersti Lukens at kjersti.lukens@scheller.gatech.edu.
Impact Speaker Series
The Impact Speaker Series is a biweekly series of meaningful conversations. The main goal of the series is to engage students, faculty, staff, and the wider community on topics that matter through presentations from leaders and entrepreneurs from all sectors. Topics include entrepreneurship (both social and commercial), innovation, leadership, and sustainability.
Global Social Venture Plan Competition (GSVC)
The Global Social Venture Plan Competition (GSVC) is one of the largest global-scale competitions with a proven track record that provides student entrepreneurs, who work on triple bottom line projects, with mentoring, exposure, and financial support. More than 600 teams participate globally every year.
Executives can be involved as team members, judges, mentors, or advisors. Georgia Tech is one of the nine global partners, along with the Berkeley Haas School of Business, London Business School, Indian School of Business, and others. Georgia Tech is responsible for outreach in the Eastern half of the United States and hosts the Eastern Regional Semifinals of the competition.
Student Grants Available
The Center provides small grants (typically up to $500 per student per academic year) to currently enrolled Scheller students to support sustainability-related education and/or career goals. Appropriate uses that will be considered include conferences or events, related travel, publications and research, and more. Requests are reviewed by the Center on a rolling basis.
If interested, please send a brief request (1 - 2 paragraphs) to Arianna Robinson at arianna.robinson@scheller.gatech.edu. Please include your student program, year, major/concentration area, and the following details:
- The purpose of the request: What will the funds be used for?
- How this activity supports your educational and/or career goals and any outcomes you anticipate
Support from Net Impact and other sources should be explored first for applicable events and items.