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“Investing in Learning and Growth”: Meet Matthew Walker, Executive MBA ‘24

To celebrate Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business students, we interviewed a few outstanding Executive MBA students to learn more about their journey at Scheller. Meet Matthew Walker, Executive MBA ‘24.
A man stands in front of a lake and mountains with his hands in his pockets

Matthew Walker, Executive MBA ’24

Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business students come to learn, explore, and build community. As they move forward in their careers, they take everything they've learned and use it to power innovation in industries and businesses across the globe. In celebration of Fall 2024 Commencement, we sat down with a few students to learn about their experiences and the wisdom they've gained in the process.          

Meet Matthew Walker, who is graduating from the Executive MBA program with a specialization in Global Business.          


Kennesaw, Georgia 

Describe yourself in 15 words or less:   

Double Yellow Jacket (ISYE+EMBA), bookworm, fun uncle, and travel aficionado managing a Powerade addiction    

Tell me about the person who most influenced your decision to pursue an MBA?   

My father Randy always encourages me to continuously learn and grow. His support was the catalyst! Thanks Dad!   

What was your favorite business course?    

Business Strategies for Sustainability was my favorite. The professors put so much emphasis on making sustainability economically viable. I found immense value in this class!  

What advice would you give to an incoming Executive MBA student?    

50% of a Scheller MBA’s value is the educational resources. The other half is your cohort. They are also investing their time and money to learn and grow; it is an inspiring group to be around. 

What activities were you involved with on or off campus, and did your business education impact those activities in any way?    

I am the president of my toastmasters’ club and work with several mentoring programs at Georgia Tech and local schools. It has helped me lead and mentor more effectively. 

What was your favorite MBA event or tradition at Scheller?   

Our international residency to Vietnam and Singapore was phenomenal! Immersing yourself in different cultures and learning business strategies was a first-rate way to get an education. The restaurant crawl on the motorbikes in Ho Chi Minh City was the highlight!     

What was your career journey in the Executive MBA program?    

It was arduous to navigate the program and my career. I was elevated to a director level, and I believe the Executive MBA program has set me up for further growth!   

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list? 

I would like to serve on the board of a nonprofit and present to the United Nations.       

What was a moment when you had to practice persistence and/or resilience while in the MBA program?    

There were times that both my Coca-Cola career and the MBA program had deadlines to navigate. I had to use effective time management, diligence, and prioritization to get both completed successfully.     

What is the biggest lesson you gained from your Scheller MBA?    

Use your Georgia Tech education and problem-solving skills to make your own path. Start now! 

What will you be doing to celebrate your graduation?    

I am taking a trip! An MBA classmate of mine grew up in Tanzania and has encouraged me to check it out. 

What is a fun fact about yourself?    

I am a self-professed science fiction and board gaming nerd. The Executive MBA program has allowed me to find several like-minded colleagues to share recommendations and set up game nights!   


Learn More: Executive MBA

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