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Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Celebrates 14th Annual Honors Day

The Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business recognizes its outstanding students, faculty, and staff at the 14th annual Honors Day Awards ceremony.
Honors Day Awards

Honors Day Awards

Each year, the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business recognizes the outstanding achievements of students, faculty, and staff at its Honors Day awards ceremony and luncheon. This year marks the 14th year of the event and the first one held in person in two years. Awards are given to those who’ve demonstrated excellence in service and academics and are made possible through philanthropic support of benefactors, alumni, corporate partners, and friends of Scheller.

Dean Alavi at Podium of Honors Day 2022Dick Bergmark, alumnus chair of the Scheller Advisory Board, kicked off the celebration with opening remarks and introduced Dean Maryam Alavi who, along with Bergmark, bestowed the awards to the recipients.     

“Many of these awards are made possible due to the enthusiasm and financial support of our many distinguished alumni, corporate partners, and friends,” said Alavi. “Thanks to the generosity of these donors, Scheller College is able to attract and retain top-tier faculty and staff, and recruit exceptional students, many of whom are receiving awards today.”

Faculty Awards 

Brady Family Awards for Faculty Teaching Excellence 

Faculty who inspires and encourage students, engender curiosity and love of learning, and strive to increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the subject matter. Funded by the late Charles W. Brady, IM 1957 

Brady Family Awards for Faculty Research Excellence 

Faculty who have achieved research excellence, including quality, quantity, impact, magnitude of contribution, recognition through the peer review process, and quality journal placement. Funded by the late Charles W. Brady, IM 1957, chairman emeritus of INVESCO, emeritus member of the College Advisory Board and inaugural member of the College Hall of Fame. 

Linda S. and Lloyd L. Byars Awards for Faculty Research Excellence 

Funded by Linda Byars and the late Lloyd L. Byars, Ph.D., professor emeritus, author of popular management textbooks, and longtime arbitrator of labor-management disputes. 

  • Manpreet Hora, Associate Professor, Operations Management 
  • Han Zhang, Professor, Information Technology Management 

 Staff Awards 

Staff members who demonstrate outstanding job performance, going beyond what might be expected and demonstrating high levels of execution in their primary job duties, auxiliary roles, and organizational citizenship. 

Verlander Family Awards for Staff Excellence 

Funded by Karen and Chris A. Verlander, IM 1970, senior vice president, corporate development, for Associated Industries of Florida. 

  • Katie Lloyd, Associate Dean, Full-time and MBA Programs 
  • Marvin Tingler, Director, Finance and Administration 

Stephen P. Zelnak Jr. Award for Staff Excellence 

Funded by Stephen P. Zelnak Jr., IM 1969, chairman of ZP Enterprises, retired chairman of Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. and a member of the College Hall of Fame. 

College-Wide Awards 

Melvyn P. and Eleanor N. Galin Creativity Award 

In recognition of Scheller College of Business faculty members, staff members, or students who demonstrate creative thinking or accomplishment. Funded by Eleanor N. and Melvyn P. Galin, Ph.D., IM 1953.  

  • Mingfeng Lin, Associate Professor, Information Technology Management 

The Ernest Scheller Jr. Awards 

Scheller College of Business faculty or staff member who aspires to service excellence and who acts as an outstanding role model. This award celebrates service excellence among faculty and staff. Established by gifts from family and friends to honor Ernest Scheller Jr. for his extraordinary philanthropic leadership in advancing Georgia Tech and Scheller College in particular. 

  • Liz Maryanski, College Administrative Officer 
  • Craig Womack, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs 

Student Awards 

John R. Battle Awards for Student Excellence 

A graduating senior who demonstrates the highest scholastic achievement and leadership on campus and in the community. Funded by Lewis A. Patterson III, IM 1968, CEO of BPU Associates LLC, in memory of John R. Battle, who made it financially possible for Mr. Patterson to attend Georgia Tech. The late Mr. Battle graduated from Cornell University with a chemical engineering degree and served as vice president for The Dow Chemical Company. 

  • Ben Barnett, BSBA 2022 
  • Kara Pomerantz, BSBA 2022 

Dow Chemical-P.C. McCutcheon Award for Outstanding Student Achievement 

The student who holds a high cumulative scholastic average in the third-year class, and who demonstrates leadership and service at Georgia Tech and in the greater community. In honor of Dow Chemical and P.C. McCutcheon, who worked to establish the relationship between Dow Chemical and Georgia Tech. 

  • Cindy Qiu, BSBA 2024 

Jennifer R. and Charles B. Rewis Awards for Student Excellence in Accounting 

An in-state undergraduate student who demonstrates exceptional academic performance in accounting, with preference for students pursuing careers in accounting. Funded by Jennifer R. Rewis, MGT 1992, and the late Charles B. Rewis, MGT 1992. 

  • Katherine Fishman, BSBA 2022 
  • Vicky Yang, BSBA 2022

Dean’s Award for Evening MBA Student Excellence 

Evening MBA students who have demonstrated exceptional integrity, academic merit, and leadership. 

  • Jonathan King, MBA 2022 

Dean’s Award for Full-Time MBA Student Excellence

Full-time MBA students who have demonstrated exceptional integrity, academic merit, and leadership. 

  • Maggie Joyce, MBA 2023 

Ashford Watson Stalnaker Memorial Awards for Ph.D. Student Excellence 

Ph.D. students who contribute exemplary scholarship and innovation to their respective academic disciplines and the College, through outstanding research and teaching. In memory of Ashford Watson Stalnaker III, IM 1961, MS 1962, who served as a respected faculty leader in management science at Georgia Tech. 

  • Li Ding, Ph.D. Candidate, Operations Management 
  • Min Young Lee, Ph.D. Candidate, Organizational Behavior 

Dick Bergmark Honors Day 2022

Jamal Hankey at Honors Day 2022

Manpreet Hora at Honors Day 2022

Cindy Qiu at Honors Day 2022


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