At Georgia Tech, each student gains an important understanding of all areas of business through the completion of the core business classes and concentrations. Your concentration helps prepare you in a chosen area by providing 18 credits of in-depth study that will show employers you are prepared to compete for full-time positions within that industry.
All students seeking to complete a BSBA degree are required to complete a concentration.
Only BSBA majors can complete concentrations.
Students may only receive official recognition for the completion of one concentration.
Students must earn at least a grade of "C" in all courses for a concentration.
Concentration Electives can only be taken for a Letter Grade. Pass-fail only allowed for Free Electives not being used toward a minor or certificate.
Students are encouraged to declare their concentration in OSCAR as early as possible. Once declared, students do have the option to change it later if desired.
Some courses may be listed as electives in two different concentrations. Students may double-count one course toward a concentration and a certificate but may not receive recognition for two concentrations.
BSBA majors may still complete certificates, but not in the same areas of their concentrations. For instance, a BSBA major may not finish a concentration in Marketing and a certificate in Marketing.