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Call for Papers, Frontiers in Robotics and AI
Georgia Tech CIBER Faculty Research Awards (2015 to Present)
Prof Dong Liu, Organization Behavior, “Learning from Failures: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Joint Influence of Cultural Shocks and Counterfactual Thinking on Expatriates
Prof. Manpreet Hora, Operations Management, “Global Supply Chains, Product Recalls, and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Examination’
Prof. D. J. Wu, Information Technology Management, “Globalization of Technology Innovation: Analysis of Digital Business Models”
Prof. Kuang Xi, Finance, “CSR Investment Decisions and the Concept of Money”
Prof. Adam Vitalis, Accounting, “An Empirical Study in France and Germany: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Management Decision”
Prof. Stuart Graham, Strategy, “Correcting for Bias: Patents as Performance Measures in Strategy Research"
Prof. Matthew Higgins, Strategy, “Globalization of Innovation and Entrepreneurship”
Prof. Manpreet Hora, Operations Management, “International Business Challenges in Global Value Chains: A Multidisciplinary View"
Prof. Narayanan Jayaraman, Finance, “The Incidence and Usefulness of Busy Boards: A Global Examination"
Prof. Peter Swire, Law and Ethics, “How Technology is Prompting US/EU Tension on Mutual Legal Assistance"
Prof. Adam Vitalis, Accounting, untitled Sustainability/CSR-related project
Prof. Han Zhang, IT Management, “The Role of Perspective Taking in Online Reviews"
Prof. Anjali Bohlken, Economics, “Consumer Behavior, Efficiency and Sustainability in India’s Power Sector”
Prof. Marco Ceccagnoli, Strategy, "Scientific capabilities, R&D decentralization, and the profitability of markets for technology”
Prof. Eva Lee, ISyE, “International Visits and Immigration Management: A Global Economic and Risk Analysis”
Prof. Matthew Higgins, Strategy, “Starving (or Fattening) the Golden Goose: Generic Entry and the Incentives for Early-Stage Pharmaceutical Innovation”
Prof. Narayanan Jayaraman, Finance, "Mergers and the Market for Busy Directors: An International Analysis”
Prof. John Walsh, Public Policy, "Complementarity between public support and the acquisition of external knowledge for SME innovation: Evidence from the Korean Innovation Survey micro-data”
Prof. Dong Liu, Organizational Behavior, "Reassessing and Redirecting Research on Foreign Direct Investment Termination”
Prof. Florin Niculescu, IT Management, "Economics of Ransomware Worm Attacks”
Prof. Peter Swire, Law and Ethics, "Competitiveness Effects of Changes in Chinese Data Protection, Cybersecurity, and Privacy Laws”
Prof. Fei-Ling Wang, International Affairs, “Trade War or Tech War?”
Prof. Alasdair Young, International Affairs, "Contested Compliance: Explaining Whether, Why and How the European Union Complies with Its Multilateral Trade Obligations”
Prof. Han Zhang, IT Management, “Emojis or Not? How Emotional Vividness Influences Brand Attitude in Social Media”
Prof. Marco Ceccagnoli, Strategy, “Platform governance, competition, and complementors’ performance”
Prof. Stuart Graham, Strategy, “Problems Created by the Need to Navigate Earlier Rights: Evidence from the U.S. and European Trademark Systems”
Prof. David Ku, Strategy, “Regional Ecosystems in Medical Devices”
Prof. Mingfeng Lin, IT Management, The “invisible” investor decisions: Clickstream analysis of equity crowdfunding
Prof. Dong Liu, Organizational Behavior, Experience and Performance: A Longitudinal International Investigation of Regional Government Leaders in Combating the COVID-19 Crisis
Prof. Alex Oettl, Strategy, Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Discovery: Atomwise and the AIMS awards
Prof. Ravi Subramanian, Operations Management, An Assessment of Regulations and Practices related to Incentives for Workplace Safety in the US and India.
Prof. Peter Swire, Law and Ethics, Cybersecurity Risks from Possible Strict Data Localization Rules in the European Union and Elsewhere
Prof. D.J. Wu, IT Management, Commercializing Smart and Connected Products: A Value Chain Perspective
Prof. Alasdair Young International Affairs, Regulatory rivalry in the digital economy