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D.J. Wu Honored With Two Awards From INFORMS Information Systems Society

D.J. Wu, professor of Information Technology Management, won two awards from the INFORMS Information Systems Society (ISS): the INFORMS ISS Distinguished Fellow Award and the President's Service Award.
D.J. Wu

D.J. Wu, Ernest Scheller Jr. Chair in Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Commercialization and professor of Information Technology Management.

D.J. Wu, Ernest Scheller Jr. Chair in Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Commercialization and professor of Information Technology Management at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, has been recognized by INFORMS Information Systems Society with two awards: the INFORMS Information Systems Society Distinguished Fellow Award and the INFORMS Information Systems Society President's Service Award.

The INFORMS ISS Distinguished Fellow Award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding intellectual contributions to the information systems (IS) discipline. The requirements for the award include having published research that has made a significant impact on theory, research, and practice; demonstrating intellectual leadership in the discipline as reflected in editorial appointments, particularly in INFORMS journals; and being an intellectual steward in the field as reflected in the mentoring of doctoral students and young researchers.

“I'm surprised, thrilled, and humbled to receive this honor from the INFORMS Information Systems Society. This award represents the invaluable guidance and inspiration I owe to many, including my mentors, colleagues, Ph.D. students, guest speakers, friends, and family,” said Wu.

D.J. Wu with Ernie Scheller Jr.In Wu’s acceptance speech, he also recognized Mr. Ernest Scheller Jr., for whom his chair is named.  

The INFORMS Information Systems Society President's Service Award recognizes IS academics who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to serving the IS community over time. Dr. Wu actively participated in various initiatives that contributed to the advancement of the IS field and the involvement of the professionals and academics in IS.

dj-wu-with-award2.jpg“It is particularly a testament to my brilliant colleagues at Georgia Tech and within the Information Technology Management group. This recognition also belongs to my co-authors and students who have consistently demonstrated creativity, resilience, and determination,” said Wu.

He is co-editing two groundbreaking AI special issues: The Management Science issue on the Human-Algorithm Connection and the Information Systems Research issue on Analytical Creativity.

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D.J. Wu
Ernest Scheller Jr. Chair in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization

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