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Social Impact Fellow Reflection: Briana Brozowski (Plywood People)

Plywood People Speaker

Plywood People

My name is Briana Brozowski, and I am a first year Business Administration major with a minor in Engineering and Business through the Denning Technology and Management Program. Entering my second semester of my first year of college, I knew I wanted to find a way that I could plug into the Georgia Tech and Atlanta community while gaining new experiences. While searching for opportunities like this, I found the Social Impact Fellowship Program. What stood out to me about the Social Impact Fellowship Program was the opportunity to work hands-on at a non-profit that gives back to the community. Through this program, I connected with the organization called Plywood People.

Plywood People is a non-profit organization in Atlanta that leads a community of start-ups doing good. Plywood People is supported by Plywood Place which is a co-working space where people come together to make a difference. Plywood Place supports individuals where ideas are shaped, plans are made, and goals are sought after. The community that is hosted at Plywood Place encourages growth and change in the world. Over the past 13 years, Plywood People has worked with over 1000 social impact leaders to help train them to amplify their ideas, initiatives, and companies.

Working at this organization, I have been able to grow so much as a person. I gained real-life experience, and got exposure to the details and technicalities that go behind a functioning business. The team at Plywood People is uplifting, supportive, and striving for good change in the community. Each team member made a point to build a connection with me while teaching me so much along the way. I felt supported and learned so much.

Before starting this internship, I was concerned I would have trouble balancing the time commitment of the internship with my schoolwork. With ample time planning, and learning how to use my time productively, I was able to balance the internship with school. Having this internship taught me how to efficiently use time, as well as, learn how to communicate my scheduling needs to an employer. These are skills that I only would have been able to acquire through work-experience which is what this internship provided me. I am now more prepared for future jobs, job interviews, and work environments. If anyone is contemplating participating as a Social Impact Fellow, I would wholeheartedly recommend it. This is a great way to gain work experience, while giving back to the community in amazing ways.

The Institute for Leadership and Social Impact is an interdisciplinary institute that promotes servant leadership and social innovation that contribute to a more just, caring, and equitable world. Learn more about our Social Impact Fellows program.

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