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New Business Analytics Career Path Announced

As interest in business analytics continues to rise, Scheller College of Business offers a new business analytics undergraduate career path.
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Scheller College of Business Building

To help meet the rapidly increasing demand for business analytics professionals, the nationally ranked ITM (MIS) Area within Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business has created a new undergraduate career path in business analytics education.

“As the volume of data available to businesses continues to expand, the ability to glean insights and make effective data-driven decisions becomes even more valued,” said Professor and Faculty Co-Director of the Business Analytics Center Sridhar Narasimhan. “This new career path will enable business analytics to continue growing in both impact and opportunity within Scheller.”

 Students opting for the career path will pursue a curriculum of thematic depth and unity in business analytics within the BSBA requirements. It will be supported by recently added and upcoming courses in business analytics, data preparation and visualization, and machine learning.

Current career paths in ITM include:

* Consulting / Systems Analysis and Design
* Business Analytics (new)
* Information Use, Security, and Privacy

The career path within ITM requires two more courses in business analytics than the certificate;  students can complete the concentration without having to use their free electives. And, unlike students earning the certificate, students in the concentration are also required to satisfy the breadth requirement of the BSBA, which gives them a better foundation on which to build their understanding of business problems.

“The business world changes constantly. As one of the nation’s premier technological universities, we are committed to expand, update, and upgrade our educational offerings to keep pace with technological innovation and the demand for a technologically savvy workforce,” said Scheller Senior Lecturer in Information Systems Michael Smith who spearheaded the creation of the career path. “We are excited to offer our high achieving students this new career path so they can build an even stronger foundation for future careers in business analytics.”

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