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Meet the Humans of TI:GER: Charles Fatunbi, Evening MBA '24 and Production Manager at Accenture

To celebrate the 2024 TI:GER program graduates, we interviewed a few students to learn what attracted them to the program and what they learned.
 Charles Fatunbi

Charles Fatunbi, Evening MBA '25 and TI:GER alumnus

The TI:GER Program (Technology Innovation: Generating Economic Results) at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business merges classroom instruction, technology innovation projects, and practical, real-world experiences. It brings together MBA and Ph.D. students who collaborate in teams to develop their entrepreneurial ideas into impactful technology innovation projects.

Meet Charles Fatunbi, an Evening MBA student and production manager at Accenture.

How did you find out about the TI:GER program? 

I found out about the TI:GER program while researching which MBA program I wanted to attend. During that time, I also saw a lot of information about TI:GER on LinkedIn.

What made you decide to enroll in the program?

I was looking for an MBA program that embraced tech innovation and entrepreneurship. Once I learned about the TI:GER program, I knew I had to apply because of the extensive learning curriculum, which includes identifying and scaling technology ventures. I knew TI:GER would expose me to industry investors, founders, and other key players in the startup ecosystem. I also wanted the opportunity to work with Ph.D. students with specialties in artificial intelligence, biotech, biomedical, communications technology, fintech, and more.

What were your major responsibilities when working on a TI:GER project? 

I worked alongside a Nigerian fintech startup that allows users to send and receive payments globally, a common issue within African nations. My responsibility was to conduct market research through customer interviews, identify key competitors, and develop a go-to-market strategy.

What do you consider to be your major takeaways from being in the program? 

The biggest takeaway from the program was the importance of including the customer in the product development cycle. Customers may not always know exactly what they want, but there are methods that can be taken to determine what they need. This reframe can help identify product solutions that can be commercialized and turned into businesses. Often, it can be exciting to generate a new idea, but if it hasn't been validated, a founder will run into many issues.

Can you describe how your experience might enhance your career after graduating? 

The TI:GER experience has exposed me to new career paths and has forced me to think about the products/solutions around me and why I gravitate towards them. I plan to take the principles learned in this program and apply them in my career both corporate and entrepreneurial.

Would you recommend the program to others? If so, why? 

Yes, especially if you’re curious about startups and always have questions about how the products/services around you came to fruition, I would highly recommend TI:GER.

Learn More: TI:GER Program

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