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The Ins and Outs of Georgia Tech Scheller's Evening MBA

The Intersection Podcast host Leo Haigh sits down with Skye Blevins and Drew Harvill to discuss the Evening MBA Program at Scheller the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business and why it ranks among the nation’s best.
Intersection Podcast host Leo Haigh talks with Evening MBA students Skye Blevins and Drew Harvill

Intersection Podcast host Leo Haigh with Skye Blevins and Drew Harvill

In this episode of The Intersection Podcast, host and second-year MBA student Leo Haigh talks with Skye Blevins, Senior Product Engineer at Newell Brands, and Drew Harvill, our Senior Academic Program Manager - at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business. 

Skye and Drew are both Evening MBA students, which is Georgia Tech’s self-paced, part-time MBA program for working professionals. The Evening MBA program is ranked among the top 20 in the U.S, enabling students to gain the benefits of an MBA program but with maximum flexibility.

Listen in as Skye and Drew outline the structure of the Evening MBA program, their experience to date, and tips for a successful application.  

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