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Scheller Lunchtime Live: Translating Text Into Data Using Natural Language Processing in Analytics, Featuring Robbie Moon

In this Lunchtime Live session, Professor Robbie Moon discusses some of the basic strategies of NLP including both traditional approaches and more recent advances in machine learning.
Robbie Moon, Thomas Williams-Wells Fargo Professor in Management, Associate Professor of Accounting at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business

Robbie Moon, Thomas Williams-Wells Fargo Professor in Management, Associate Professor of Accounting at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business

Scheller Lunchtime Live is a livestream series hosted by the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business featuring faculty, student, and alumni speakers discussing relevant topics for the tech-driven, digital age. 

According to recent sources, 90% of the data in the world was created in the last few years with much of it being comprised of text. Over the last decade, technological advances in natural language processing (NLP) have allowed data scientists to better understand the contents of this largely unstructured data.

In this Lunchtime Live session, Professor Robbie Moon discusses some of the basic strategies of NLP including both traditional approaches and more recent advances in machine learning. He uses both practical and research-based examples to illustrate the power of text as data.

Learn more about Professor Robbie Moon’s research.

Featured in this Story
Robbie Moon
Thomas Williams-Wells Fargo Professor in Management

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