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Scheller Lunchtime Live: Pushing the Needle: Corporate Vaccination Mandates in the Age of Covid, Featuring Lucien Dhooge

In this Lunchtime Live session, Professor Dhooge looks at the positive and negatives associated with vaccination mandates for private companies as well as employees, and offers strategies for companies adopting mandates.
Lucien Dhooge, the Sue and John Staton Professor of Law at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business

Lucien Dhooge, the Sue and John Staton Professor of Law at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business

Scheller Lunchtime Live is a livestream series hosted by the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business featuring faculty, student, and alumni speakers discussing relevant topics for the tech-driven, digital age.

Covid-19 vaccination mandates by private employers are a complex issue. In this session of Lunchtime Live, Professor Dhooge looks at the current state of the pandemic and the ways different state governments manage vaccination mandates.

He discusses the positives and negatives associated with vaccination mandates for private companies as well as employees and offers strategies for companies adopting mandates.

Learn more about Professor Dhooge’s research.

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