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Scheller Lunchtime Live: “I Can Get Away with Anything": A Conversation About Impunity at Work, featuring Katie Badura

Katie Badura, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Scheller College of Business, discusses where impunity comes from and its implications for the workplace.
Katie Badura, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business.

Katie Badura, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business.

Scheller Lunchtime Live is a livestream series hosted by the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business featuring faculty, student, and alumni speakers discussing relevant topics for the tech-driven, digital age. 
Impunity has been historically studied within criminal justice literature with scholars defining this concept as “an exemption or proception from penalty or punishment.” Impunity, or the belief that one can escape punishment for misconduct, is an increasingly pervasive phenomena in the workplace. How should we think about this concept in the workplace?

In this session, Katie Badura, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, discusses where a sense of impunity comes from, the implications it has for the workplace, and how you can best avoid its pitfalls as an employee and manager.

Learn more about Professor Katie Badura’s research.

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