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Scheller Lunchtime Live: Allyship and Advocacy in the Workplace as an Everyday Practice, Featuring Tiffany Johnson

In this Lunchtime Live session, Dr. Tiffany Johnson discusses the big picture of allyship in the workplace.
Tiffany Johnson, an assistant professor of Organizational Behavior at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business.

Tiffany Johnson, an assistant professor of Organizational Behavior at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business.

Scheller Lunchtime Live is a livestream series hosted by the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business featuring faculty, student, and alumni speakers discussing relevant topics for the tech-driven, digital age. 

In this talk, Dr. Tiffany Johnson discusses the big picture of allyship in the workplace. She provides examples of behaviors and strategies that allies and advocates can use to mediate between workers with stigmatized and non-stigmatized identities to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations.

Johnson is an assistant professor of Organizational Behavior at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business. Her research focuses on the micro-foundations of inequity, particularly dismantling experiences related to stigma and marginalization. 

Watch the recorded session:

Allyship and Advocacy in the Workplace an an Everyday Practice, Featuring Dr. Tiffany Johnson, Video

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Tiffany Johnson
Associate Professor

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