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Countdown to Commencement: Meet Roya Register

As part of the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Countdown to Commencement series, we interviewed a few soon-to-be graduates from our Undergraduate program. Meet Roya Register.
Roya Register, Georgia Tech Scheller Class of 2021

Roya Register, Georgia Tech Scheller Class of 2021

As part of the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Countdown to Commencement series, we interviewed a few soon-to-be graduates from our Undergraduate program to learn about their backgrounds, why they chose Scheller, and what they plan to do after the Fall 2021 commencement.

Meet Roya Register who is graduating with a concentration in finance.

Where are you from?

Atlanta, GA.

Where did you attend high school? 

North Atlanta High School.

What is the biggest lesson you gained from studying business? 

The answer to every business question is “it depends.” This is a takeaway I gained from an operations management class, and it has stuck with me both inside and outside the classroom. When I’ve found myself unable to answer a question or tackle a problem directly, it helps to look at it from different perspectives and go from there – typically there isn’t one straightforward answer or approach.

What advice would you give to a student looking to major in a business-related field? 

Be present. I wish this is something I was told because it goes by so quickly. When you are present, it makes it easier to learn, to network, and to enjoy what you’re doing. Presence is key during interviews, networking, and coffee chats. You never want the person sitting across from you to feel like their time is being wasted. With presence come curiosity and questions – this is so important when you are interviewing for jobs and just generally in life.

As a business student in the heart of Tech Square, how do you think Scheller College embodies the intersection of business and technology? 

I think all my classes (and professors, more specifically) have done a wonderful job of communicating the importance of technology in our ever-changing environment. Specifically, in almost all my classes, a case study around a technology company like Apple has been used to convey a point or demonstrate a concept. It sounds small, but studying tech companies within a business context is extremely helpful to understand the importance of technology in today’s society.

What was your favorite business course? 

“Foundations of Strategy” was the class I learned from the most. It made me question if I should switch from finance to strategy/innovation as a concentration, but ultimately, I learned that there’s a healthy amount of crossover between the two. The course was structured around case studies which made it easy to understand the textbook concepts.

Who is your favorite professor?

Tatiana Rudchenko was a wonderful professor. I took one of her classes my first semester at Tech and another one of her classes during COVID when class was remote. In both instances she was energetic, lively, funny, and warm. I never felt uncomfortable approaching her to ask a question. She genuinely cares about her students and sets the expectations from the get-go.

What has surprised you most about majoring in business at Scheller?

The amount of non-business concepts I’ve learned, which are equally important as the business concepts. Michael Dutcher and Stan Broome’s Career Class that’s required for juniors and seniors is a perfect example of this. The class is focused on business and social etiquette. It helped me land one of my internships and a new full-time job which I recently accepted. Something else that surprised me was how hands-on my professors were throughout my time here. I never had an email that wasn’t responded to, and I was always able to effectively communicate with all my professors. This shocked me because Tech has a reputation for being difficult, but when professors are communicative like they are at Scheller, it really alleviates so much stress.

What are some of your extracurricular activities, community work and leadership roles during college?

Dean’s List for the past four semesters, Georgia Tech Student Foundation (GTSF) Investments Committee, analyst in the media and telecom sector, Stellar Bodies Pilates Studio at the front desk, strategy/finance intern at Goldune, baby and dog sitter, volunteer at the High Museum of Art.

Where have you interned during your college career?

Financial analyst, WorkBoard Inc.; financial analyst, revenue and strategy, Intuitive Surgical; finance and strategy intern, Goldune.

Where will you be working after graduation?

As a investor relations analyst at K1 Private Equity in Los Angeles.

Looking back over your experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently in business school and why? 

In my first few semesters at Scheller, I was focused only on grades. It can be easy to fall into this trap, but ultimately what I learned over time is that you will inhibit your own ability to learn if the only thing you’re fixated on is a number. I wish I had realized this earlier on, because I think I could’ve gained more from some of my classes had I broken out of this mentality.

Which academic, extra-curricular or personal achievement are you most proud of?

During the peak of COVID-19, my roommates and I fostered a sweet husky from a rescue shelter. It was something I wasn’t super keen on at first because I was worried about all of our various time commitments, but it ended up being truly life-changing. It felt good knowing we were providing a loving home for Juno, since she was found in the middle of the street (and who knows how long she’d been wandering). I think it’s something you have to do in order to understand the fulfillment that comes with it. Juno was ultimately adopted – even though it was heartbreaking, it was rewarding to know she ended up in good hands with an amazing family.

Which classmate do you most admire?

I have had classes with my friend Dan Kim since we started at Tech, and he is always willing to help me, no matter what the circumstance. I never felt dumb asking for help or just a question, and that’s a really great quality to find in someone, especially in an intense academic environment. We are also on the Investments committee together, and when I’ve missed sessions, he always lets me know what I’ve missed. It sounds small but these are the kind of gestures that go a long way.

Who would you most want to thank for your success?

My mentor Fred, who I met while working part time at a cycling studio (Flywheel) in high school. He is a Harvard MBA and former Bain consultant, but you’d never know it because he’s the most humble, down-to-earth person I’ve ever known. He has offered me nothing but endless support and professional/career advice, and I trust his opinion greatly. He also taught an amazing cycling class that would always sell out.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list?  

To start a nonprofit that gives back to kids, particularly in underserved communities, and to be a mentor to someone who I can have a lasting impact on.

Fun fact about yourself: 

I have a (very amateur!) food blog.

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