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A Day in the Life of a First-Year MBA: Luis Trejo

From in-person and virtual class to interview prep, career workshops to case write-ups – Come along for a day in the life of first-year MBA student Luis Trejo.
Full-time MBA students join class in person and through web conference.

Full-time MBA students join class in person and through web conference.

Step into a day in the life of Luis Trejo, first-year MBA student at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business. Although no two days in the program are alike, here’s a glimpse into the busy, bustling schedule of one of our best and brightest students.

7:00 a.m.

My alarm clock goes off. First thought to cross my mind: I need to hurry if I intend to survive the day. I reviewed my schedule and it looked packed. First things first - make my bed, shower, and have a hearty breakfast. Nobody should skip these…ever.

 8:00 a.m.

Time to read, send, answer emails, newsletters, and meeting invites. I catch up on current events happening around the College including vaccination progress, upcoming events, and more.

 8:30 a.m.

Now, I have a few hours to prepare for tomorrow’s interview. I applied for a summer internship at this particular company almost a month ago. I feel so excited and grateful for this next step.

 11:00 a.m.

The virtual MBA Town Hall meeting is starting. I stop doing my research and join the call. Important information is shared: the new rankings for Scheller, trends on internship offers for our class, admission statistics for the next MBA class, key dates in the academic calendar, and several other updates, mostly related to student associations. Now it’s time to jump off to the next call.

 12:00 p.m.

A “Negotiating Salary” webinar starts, offered by Georgia Tech Career Center. I had never attended one of these. Very interesting content. It’s a shame I can’t stay for the whole call. I disconnect halfway through it. Thankfully, I can review the presentation deck they were using later.

 12:30 p.m.

My Marketing Research class starts in 30 minutes - Just enough time to watch the assigned video and arrive prepared for the session. Time to answer Microsoft Teams messages.

1:00 p.m.

The Marketing Research class starts right on time. Today’s session is more of Q&A rather than a formal lecture. I am so glad I went through the material just a few minutes ago.

 1:45 p.m.

Class ends. Time to head to campus for an in-person session for my Ethics class. I really enjoy that everything in Atlanta seems (and is) close, especially for someone coming from Mexico City. 

 2:00 p.m.

The Ethics class starts. I love this class. It is probably one of my favorite classes I have ever taken. Today’s session deals with discrimination in the workplace. Some of the arguments and examples brought up by the professor and other classmates are just mind-blowing. We could discuss the topic for hours.

 3:30 p.m.

I’m back at my apartment in Midtown Atlanta and it’s time for lunch. This past weekend, I cooked for the whole week and now I only need to heat up my food in the microwave. This saves me valuable time. While eating, I check again for emails and meeting invites.

 4:00 p.m.

A call starts with three of my classmates – we need to finish a case write-up that is due at 6:30 p.m., just before the next class starts. Thankfully, all questions have been answered. We do a final review and wordsmith the report so that it fits the four-page specification. Alright, we are ready - time to submit it. 

 5:30 p.m.

Finally, some free time before my last class for the day. Since there are no imminent pending tasks, I decide to do some housekeeping and clean the dishes on the sink. Everything feels tidier now.

 6:30 p.m.Computer on desk
Supply Chain Modeling class starts. It’s always virtual. The session lasts a little under three hours but definitely feels like six hours. Usually, it’s not like this, it’s just that today was a very busy day.

 9:30 p.m.

The day is over and I survived. I have a quick dinner and head to bed, given that in less than 12 hours, I’ll be having my internship interview. I read one last email from my career coach wishing me good luck “…you’ve got this!” Good night - Signing off for the day!


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