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Scheller First-Year MBAs Place Second in the National Deloitte Supply Chain Case Competition

A team of four full-time MBA students recently won 2nd place and a $2,500 award in a two-round competition of the Deloitte SCNO Supply Chain Case Competition.
Akhil Gupta (from left), Preston Jones, Vinson Hu, Chima Odinkemere

Akhil Gupta (from left), Preston Jones, Vinson Hu, Chima Odinkemere

Supply Chain Reaction, a team of four first-year Scheller College Full-time MBA students, recently placed second in the nation and won a $2,500 award in Deloitte's SCNO Supply Chain Case Competition. The first round of competition was held at Georgia Tech Scheller College with 12 teams competing. Scheller’s own Supply Chain Reaction team won first place, guaranteeing them a place in the national Deloitte competition.

“After winning the first round, we had the confidence to move forward and take our talents to the national arena for the second round,” said team lead, Chima Okinkemere. In the competition’s second round at Ohio State Fischer College of Business, the Scheller team won second place.

Each team was given a case for each round and asked to formulate a solution to an identified problem. In addition to Odinkemere, Scheller's Supply Chain Reaction team Akhil Gupta, Preston Jones, and Vinson Hu worked to solve issues specifically related to supply chain operations in manufacturing. “We were given a case and were tasked with putting together a top-notch presentation with feasible recommendations the company could put into practice,” said Odinkemere.

He says his biggest takeaways from the national Deloitte case competition experience was having the courage to take on new experiences and finding colleagues that inspire you to reach for goals you may not think you were capable of attaining.

Next, Odinkemere and his teammates will travel to the 16th annual KeyBank & Fischer College of Business Minority MBA Student Case Competition on February 28 – March 2 and compete against 29 other national teams in the four-day competition.

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