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Will Facebook and Google Overtake Blockchain Technology - A Discussion with Eric Overby

A few years ago, no one really knew what blockchain was or how it worked; only that it was being used by Bitcoin. Now, more and more mainstream companies are using it to handle their transactions.

A few years ago, no one really knew what blockchain was or how it worked; only that it was being used by Bitcoin. Now, more and more mainstream companies are using it to handle their transactions. Eric Overby, Associate Professor at Scheller College of Business, recently discussed how Google and Facebook are beginning to adopt blockchain technology in a Q&A “Will Facebook, Google Take Over Blockchain” in BlockChainTechNews, an online trade publication covering industry and trends in this area.

The article looks at whether these two giants will overtake the market, which is rapidly being adopted by retail giants including Walmart. The story was also picked up by MobilePaymentsToday, which is an online content provider for retailers, restaurateurs and other end-users who are deploying mobile payment applications.

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