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Scheller Women Celebrate the Forté MBA Women’s Leadership Conference in Atlanta

Each summer, hundreds of MBA women gather for Forté Foundation’s MBA Women’s Leadership Conference for career preparation, professional development, and networking. With the 2018 conference in Atlanta, Scheller College boasted over 50 attendees and contributed panelists throughout the conference weekend.
50 attendees and panelists

Scheller College was one of largest groups at the conference, with over 50 attendees and panelists.

Each summer, hundreds of MBA women gather for Forté Foundation’s MBA Women’s Leadership Conference for career preparation, professional development, and networking. With the 2018 conference in Atlanta, Scheller College boasted over 50 attendees and contributed panelists throughout the conference weekend.

Scheller College was showcased early in the conference agenda, as Dean Maryam Alavi moderated a panel during the pre-conference sponsor meeting titled “Research and Gender Initiatives at B-School in a #TimesUp and #MeToo World.” This discussion resonated deeply with attendees and aligned with the conference theme “The Power of Voice.”

Dean Alavi moderates a panel in the pre-conference Sponsor Meeting.

The complete list of Scheller program participants included:

  • Dean Maryam Alavi, moderator: Research and Gender Initiatives at B-School in a #TimesUp and #MeToo World
  • Bethany Bray, MBA 2017, panelist: Career Interest in Entrepreneurship
  • Professor Terry Blum, judge: Power Pitch Competition
  • Ling Liu-Horwitz, MBA 2005, panelist: Career Interest in Technology
  • Allison Solodkin, MBA 2016, panelist: Career Interest in Supply Chain, Manufacturing, and Operations
  • Professor Beril Toktay, moderator: A Sustainable and Socially Responsible Career

Beril Toktay moderates a panel on careers in sustainability.

The attending Scheller women represented current MBA students from the Full-time and Evening programs, creating a unique One-MBA experience outside of the academic year as well as providing an early networking opportunity for incoming students. For 2018, the MBA Programs office covered the registration costs of all interested students, creating one of the largest school groups at the conference.

“Scheller College’s priority on diversity, especially female applicants, was one of the key factors in choosing Scheller for my MBA. This conference has been a great celebration of not only our own fantastic women, but the growing numbers of female MBA students across the country,” noted Jasmine Howard, MBA 2020. The incoming Full-time MBA class for Fall 2018 will include 40% women*, which is highly competitive with all top-tier MBA programs.

Scheller attendees pose in the conference's main ballroom.

Scheller College is a proud member of the Forté Foundation, a consortium of leading companies and top business schools that has become a powerful change agent in promoting educational and leadership opportunities for women in business. For other quotes and photos of Scheller College at the conference, check out our live Twitter coverage.

*as of July 18, 2018

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