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MBA Student Podcast: Katie Lloyd, Executive Director of MBA Admissions

In the latest episode of “Why Scheller?” students chat with Katie Lloyd, executive director of MBA Admissions at Scheller, and an extremely approachable person who would be happy to answer your more specific questions about applying.
Katie Lloyd, executive director of MBA Admissions at Scheller

Katie Lloyd, executive director of MBA Admissions at Scheller

Are you thinking about submitting an application to the Scheller College of Business full-time MBA program at Georgia Tech?

Do you wish you could have access to 13 minutes of unfiltered conversation with one of the leaders in Tech’s admissions program? That you could hear her thoughts about what makes Scheller special, and what kinds of people would do well in the program?

This week’s guest is Katie Lloyd, executive director of MBA Admissions at Scheller, and an extremely approachable person who would be happy to answer your more specific questions about applying. In that vein, Lloyd anticipates some of those questions this week and makes a case for Scheller designed specifically for those individuals whose mouse cursors are hovering over the “SUBMIT APPLICATION” button.

You don’t necessarily have to have a technology background to be successful in admissions - Katie Lloyd, executive director of MBA Admissions at Scheller

For example, Lloyd quickly dispels one of the biggest myths about applying to Tech’s MBA program: “You don’t necessarily have to have a technology background to be successful in admissions,” she says. More broadly, she offers her vision of Scheller’s overall value proposition, which is a rich combination of location, intellectual horsepower, top-flight career services, opportunities for practical applications, and more.

Katie Lloyd, executive director of MBA Admissions at Scheller

To hear directly from a Scheller admissions officer about what makes the program so great, and how you can put together a strong application for yourself, listen to this week’s episode of The Intersection.

And be sure to check out last week's podcast on Deloitte internships.

Learn more about the Full-time MBA program at Scheller.

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