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Graduation Celebration

Graduation Celebration

Hero Med mosaic tiles

Scheller Master's Graduation Celebration: Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 4:00 PM

McCamish Pavilion (965 Fowler St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30318)

A New Model for Commencement Ceremonies

Georgia Tech is implementing a new model for Commencement ceremonies, effective Fall 2024.

The Institute’s growing graduate student enrollment has resulted in an increase in the number of degrees that Georgia Tech awards each semester, as well as the number of Commencement ceremonies. To maintain a reasonable number of ceremonies and ceremony length, Georgia Tech will begin hosting a single Institute-wide Master’s Commencement Ceremony followed by individual Graduation Celebrations. Ph.D. and bachelor’s ceremonies will remain unchanged.

Master’s degree programs participating in the Scheller College of Business Master’s Graduation Celebration:

  • Full-time MBA
  • Evening MBA
  • Executive MBA      
  • M.S. Major in Management
  • M.S. Quantitative and Computational Finance

The following interdisciplinary master’s degree program will participate in the College of Engineering Master’s Graduation Celebration:

  • M.S. Analytics

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