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Cecil B. Day Program Presents Joan Gabel


August 25, 2017


Special Event






Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business

Joan Gable, Provost at the University of South Carolina, will join us for a presentation on "The Social Contract of Public Higher Education."

In a new era of reduced state funding and increased expectations from other constituencies, public research universities find themselves challenged to fulfil their traditional mission while also adapting to modern pressures. Using attributes of social contract theory, we will evaluate whether the challenge to universities is actually a symptom of a larger problem regarding how we define role of the university in today’s society.

Joan GabelJoan T.A. Gabel is the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost for the University of South Carolina. Joining the university in August of 2015, Provost Gabel oversees sixteen schools and colleges. She is also responsible for the university's graduate and undergraduate academic programs, curriculum development, program assessment, university accreditation, system wide academic affairs policies, faculty development, and the stewardship of resources in support of the above. 
Prior to joining the University of South Carolina, Gabel served as the Dean of the Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of Business at the University of Missouri. Under her leadership, the college rebranded under the award-winning "We'll Show You" campaign. She improved inclusion among diverse populations through key hires and strategic programming. Gabel worked collaboratively to secure a private/public partnership that generated significant resources to begin establishing the groundbreaking Applied Learning Center, a home for high-touch, experiential learning methods. She also served as a board member for the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
Named a "shining star" by The Wall Street Journal, she is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Charles M. Hewitt Teaching Award, the Kay Duffy Service Award and the Bunche, Kemper and Holmes-Cardozo Awards for Excellence in Research. Her work has been placed on the National Law Journal's "Worth Reading" list and she served as editor-in-chief of the American Business Law Journal and the Journal of Legal Studies in Business. She earned her bachelor's degree from Haverford College and her juris doctor from the University of Georgia.

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