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Undergraduate Concentration Panel Series: ITM


February 29, 2024


Info Session






Scheller College of Business
Room 101

ITM Concentration Panel

Information Technology Management focuses on using the capabilities of information technology to solve business problems. Success in the area requires mastery of communication and “people” skills as well as technical material. It requires being comfortable with change and with ambiguity and a commitment to learning. IT Management is a gateway into organizations in every industry, into every functional area of business, into organizations large and small, for profit, not-for-profit and government, everywhere in the world.

Concentration Panel Series Overview

The Scheller College of Business Undergraduate Program Office is excited to host the annual Undergraduate Concentration Panel Series. Learn more about each of Scheller's concentrations through this series of panel discussions featuring faculty, alumni, and current students! Hear about the courses, potential career paths, complimentary certificates, involvement opportunities, and more! 

These panels are open to all Scheller undergrads and will be particularly helpful for anyone who is trying to decide on their concentration.

No RSVP Required to Attend!

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