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Undergraduate Concentration Panel Series: Operations & Supply Chain Management


February 22, 2024


Info Session






Scheller College of Business

Operations & Supply Chain Management Concentration Panel

Operations Management is the functional area of business primarily devoted to the planning, creation, and management of an organization's resources and processes that create products or services. The set of resources includes an organization's work force, equipment, information, distribution system and materials, all of which typically represent a significant portion of an organization's total costs and controllable assets. In both manufacturing and service organizations, the Operations Management function has the responsibility for the evolution of the environment from which the organization's product or service is created. At its core operations and supply chain management transform inputs into outputs.

Concentration Panel Series Overview

The Scheller College of Business Undergraduate Program Office is excited to host the annual Undergraduate Concentration Panel Series. Learn more about each of Scheller's concentrations through this series of panel discussions featuring faculty, alumni, and current students! Hear about the courses, potential career paths, complimentary certificates, involvement opportunities, and more! 

These panels are open to all Scheller undergrads and will be particularly helpful for anyone who is trying to decide on their concentration.

No RSVP Required to Attend!


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