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Executive MBA Experience Day


March 9, 2024


Special Event


Executive MBA


Scheller College of Business
800 W. Peachtree ST NW
Atlanta, GA

Want to learn more about what it's like to be an Executive MBA student? Join us for an immersive experience day where you will attend an Executive MBA Class, enjoy lunch with current students, and have the option to complete your admissions interview.

Optional: Ready to complete your admissions interview? To schedule your interview during Experience Day, please email your resume, copy of your transcripts, and goal essay to by Monday, March 4th.

The prompt for your goal essay is (2,000 characters max): Why an MBA and why the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business? Describe how your experience, both professional and personal, has led you to the decision to pursue an MBA at Georgia Tech. Discuss your short- and long-term career goals and how Scheller is best suited to help you achieve your goals.

Unable to attend this event?

You can schedule a one-on-one consultation or contact us at 404.385.2254

Registration Required

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