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Tatiana Rudchenko

Operations Management
Senior Lecturer

Hometown: Sumy, Ukraine  

What's something on your bucket list? 

I would like to go to the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. 

What actor would you cast to play yourself in a movie about yourself and why? 

Sandra Bullock because she is the perfect combination of serious and funny. 

What's your favorite place you've traveled to and why?  

Switzerland. I have friends there and it has beautiful nature. 

Favorite family tradition: 

New Year’s Eve family get together. We cook an “Olivier” salad for this night and exchange gifts. 

What is your proudest accomplishment? 

Recognition from my colleagues as the 2021 Brady Family Awards for Faculty Teaching Excellence and the recognition of my students in 2020 and 2021 as Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching 

What did you want to be when you were small?  


What is your latest book recommendation? 

“A Wonderful Life (Insights on Finding a Meaningful Existence)” by Frank Martela  

Your life story in one sentence: 

Dreams do come true! 

My favorite restaurant in Atlanta:  

Kuroshio Sushi in Kennesaw has the best sushi in the entire world. 

My favorite comfort food or family recipe:  

Sour Cream Baked Salmon 

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