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Natasha Reed

Organizational Behavior Ph.D.
Class Year:
Spring 2025
Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business

Why did you choose Scheller for your Ph.D. degree?

I chose the Scheller College of Business for my Ph.D. due to the concerted efforts the program takes in ensuring that doctoral students are well prepared within the research sector. Furthermore, I was impressed with the emphasis placed on learning outside of the classroom and teaming up with the faculty. I believed it would be a privilege to attend Georgia Tech and be shaped and molded by the Institute’s faculty and staff at Scheller.

What was your background prior to coming to Scheller and why was Scheller the best fit for you?

I have worked in the human resources field for many years and practiced real-world applications. I was a talent acquisition consultant and HR employee at BlueCross Blue Shield of Tennessee, a Fortune 500 company, for about 12 years. I acquired my master’s in business administration at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. I discovered that Scheller offered the best Ph.D. program to develop the skills necessary to continue to feed my curiosity and to conduct research that can offer valuable insight into the business sector.

What does the intersection of business and technology mean to you?

One of the things that excited me about coming to Georgia Tech was the prospect of efficiently integrating cutting-edge technology into the business sector of my research. My research is not only for integrated technology to improve processes and strategy within business, but specifically how technology can be used for greater people management within organizations. 

What is your dream job and how will Scheller help you achieve your goal?

I dream that my presence as a professor will help inspire and motivate individuals from nontraditional backgrounds to achieve great success. Despite not having the best advantages in life, I had faith, and I had people who believed in me. It is my conviction that someone can be great no matter their circumstances or background. Men and women such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Maya Angelou, Mae Jemison, and Amelia Earhart are examples of figures who have inspired me to dream big and often. Younger generations should know the situation given to them in life does not have to be their complete story. I hope my classes at Scheller will guide me on a path that leads to a platform I can utilize to make a positive impact on society.

What’s been your favorite memory so far at Scheller?

I can’t choose one favorite memory at Scheller because there have been so many. I started Scheller at the onset of the pandemic and this period required a lot of adjustments and creative thinking to dedicate to student’s success. My advisors, the faculty, and staff have been excellent in creating an atmosphere of support. They have been consistently inspiring throughout my first year in the Ph.D. program. Consequently, I have been impressed with the amount of knowledge and tenacity they have displayed. The collection of moments where I have received ongoing support and encouragement have been my favorite memories at Scheller.

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