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Kelley Broome

Career Services
Corporate Relations Manager

Hometown: Knoxville, TN 

What is something on your bucket list? 

I’d love to buy a camper and hit the road to visit friends all over the US with multiple dogs in tow. I need more! 

What’s a favorite place you’ve traveled to and why? 

I studied abroad in London, England as an undergraduate and returned to work for the same program as a graduate assistant. I eventually worked for a university in London, recruiting U.S. students for their study abroad experiences. The diversity I experienced there was refreshing and mind opening, and I’m still hopeful for good public transportation here in my lifetime! 

What’s your favorite family tradition? 

Thanksgiving Lunch with my extended family in Tennessee is a favorite tradition. We usually have about 40+ folks get together and bring food and watch sports.  

What is your proudest accomplishment? 

Being a mother to my son has always been interesting. Really proud that he’s here at Georgia Tech as an undergrad.  

What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done? 

I moved to Dublin, Ireland where I knew no one during a recession and tried to find a job (1991). It was a total comedy of errors, and I did no research or outreach in advance. I lasted a month. Great failure story! 

What is your favorite Scheller tradition?   

The Jones MBA Career Center tradition of students ringing our ship's bell to celebrate accepting new employment. I've had the opportunity with our team of helping to shepherd this tradition through some evolution and challenge, including group celebrations and virtual bell ringing due to the pandemic. For 10 years I've had the pleasure of photographing students celebrating their employment success with their career coaches, friends, and family.  

Why do you like working at Scheller? 

The students are so interesting and fun! For many of them, their post-MBA careers are life changing. I get to help them on their journey! 

Your life story in one sentence: 

I loved college so much I never left! 

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