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Colleen Rickel

EMBA ‘23
Class Year:
Director Corporate Development, DiversiTech Corporation

Hometown: Scaggsville, MD   

What's something on your bucket list? 

First, fly to France to see the Tour de France and the French Open. Second, play at CATAN World Championship. 

What actor would you cast to play yourself in a movie about yourself and why? 

Keanu Reeves, because he is a legend of all legends. 

What's your favorite place you've traveled to and why?  

Brazil! I did a habitat build many years ago there and fell in love with the community and people. 

Favorite family tradition: 

When my family and I can sit down and have a meal together, we always say what our favorite and least favorite thing of the day is, and what we are looking toward tomorrow. My kids generally look forward to tacos, so there's that.  

What is your proudest accomplishment? 

As cheesy as is it to type, being in this program while not only working full-time but growing my career with two young kiddos is a huge accomplishment. My family is my biggest cheerleader and support through this; I'm unbelievably grateful for their love.  

What did you want to be when you were small?  

I wanted to be a classical musician or composer, either piano or french horn. My love for music is still strong but my abilities perhaps didn't match my passion.   

What is your latest book recommendation? 

“Eat a Peach” by David Chang 

My favorite restaurant in Atlanta:  

Mamak (Roti Canai is a favorite!) 

My favorite comfort food or family recipe:  

My grandmother's pizelle recipe. Each holiday season, I make her pizelle, with just six simple ingredients. When the smell of the batter sizzles in the iron, it's complete perfection.  

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