001-07-08 |
"Are Multinational Corporations Compatible with Sustainable Development in Developing Countries?" |
A. Abdul-Gafaru |
002-07-08 |
"The Wage-Labor Relationship in the Center, key to understand the DP-CSR" |
Pierre Bardelli |
003-07-08 |
"The Discourses and Practices about Corporate Social Responsibility (DP-CSR), new Components of Multinational Companies� Strategies and Element of Micro-Regularities in the Post-Ford Model: the Illustration with French Multinational Companies." |
Pierre Bardelli & Manuela Pastore |
004-07-08 |
"The Market-Based Justification of CSR: A Double-Edged Activist Tool" |
Pauline Barraud de Lagerie |
005-07-08 |
"Multinationals and the Challenge of Sustainable Development: Knowledge in Cooperative Networks" |
M. Bayad, M. Benedic, M. Bourguiba, C. Schmitt |
006-07-08 |
"Measuring Sustainability" |
Salwa Beheiri |
007-07-08 |
"Building a Responsible Marketing Mix as a Competitiveness Tool: The case of French Multinational Companies" |
F. Blanc & C. Chauzal-Boutonnet |
008-07-08 |
"Multinational Enterprises� Governance Frameworks" |
Paul Marc Collin |
009-07-08 |
"Towards Sustainable Mining: The Corporate Role in the Construction of Global Standards" |
Hevina S. Dashwood |
010-07-08 |
"Industrial Partnerships with a Multi-utilities Firm: An Industrial Tool to Improve Economic and Environmental Efficiency" |
Gery Deffontaines |
011-07-08 |
"Multinational Enterprises And The New Development Paradigm: Consequences For Host Country Development" |
J. Dunning, F. Fortanier |
012-07-08 |
"AMD vs Intel: Technology, Competition, and Sustainability" |
Hugh Folk |
013-07-08 |
"The Role of Sustainable Development in Risk Assessment and Management for Multinational Corporations" |
R. Bruce Hutton, D. B. Cox, M. L. Clouse, J. Gaensbaur, B. D. Banks |
014-07-08 |
"Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development: A Review of Strategy Process Research" |
V. Ivanaj, J. McIntyre |
015-07-08 |
"Assessing the Sustainable Development Commitment of European MNEs" |
S. Ivanaj, J. Koehl, S. Peney, E.G. Schumacher |
016-07-08 |
"Sustainable Development Innovation and Multinational Firms" |
Ihsen Ketata, John McIntyre |
017-07-08 |
"Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility of Multinational Enterprises in China" |
Dr. Maria Lai-Ling Lam |
018-07-08 |
"International Supply Chain Management: Lver for Sustainable Development? An Analysis between Discourses and Applications" |
Yvette Masson Franzil |
019-07-08 |
"From Cost Domination to Differentiation Can Sustainability Lead to Human Development?" |
Philippe Mouillot |
020-07-08 |
"The Headquarters-Subsidiaries Relationships in Corporate Social Responsibility Practices : Lafarge Fights AIDS in Africa" |
Florent Pestre |
021-07-08 |
"Sustainable Development and the New Ethic of Multinational Corporate Governance" |
Benoit Pige |
022-07-08 |
"Multinationals� Sustainable Supply Chains and Influence Exertion upon Suppliers in the U.S. and Outside the U.S.: A Comparative Approach" |
Bernd Philipp |
023-07-08 |
"Globalization of Sustainable Development?: Principles and Practises in Transnational Corporations" |
Dennis A. Rondinelli |
024-07-08 |
"Transnational Corporations and the UN Galaxy" |
Tagi Sagafi-nejad |
025-07-08 |
"The Diffusion of Corporate Governance paradigms: The Role of Sustainable Development in the shareholder and stakeholder model" |
Gabriele Suder & Jonathan Lefevre |
026-07-08 |
"Current European and French Legislation: Sustainable Development as Reflected in the Law� Reality or Appearance?" |
Ivan Tchotourian |
027-07-08 |
"Turning Compliance into A Competitive Advantage: A Preliminary Research Study" |
Laurent Tournois & Damien Forterre |
028-07-08 |
"Industrial Ecology 'On the Wing'" |
Van V. Miller |
029-07-08 |
"Can Money and Commodities Market Ethics be Compatible with Sustainable Development? Towards an Adaptive Industrial Ecology" |
Jean-Paul Vignal |
030-07-08 |
"Profiling Sustainable Innovators: Not Ready to Make Nice?"
Christoph Grimpe, Ihsen Ketata & Wolfgang Sofka |
031-07-08 |
"Innovation Activities Abroad and the Effects of Liability of Foreignness: Where it Hurts" |
Wolfgang Sofka |