02/03-001 |
The Moderation
Role of Strategic Flexibility in the Relationship between Market Information
Use and New Product Outcomes |
Citrin, Ruby
Lee, R.Grewal, J.McCullough |
02/03-002 |
Duality�: A Dual Congruent
Business Simulation |
Richard D.Teach, Robert
G.Schwartz |
02/03-003 |
The Congruence Game:
A Team Building for Entrepreneurs |
Richard D.Teach, Robert
G Schwartz |
02/03-004 |
University Student
E-Tailing: A Marketing Study at the Entrepreneurship Interface Across Boundaries |
Robert G. Schwartz,
Richard D.Teach |
02/03-005 |
Marketing at the Entrepreneurship
Interface: An Inter-Country Analysis of University Student Internet Buying
Behavior |
Robert G. Schwartz,
Richard D.Teach,
John Day, Paul L Reynolds, Gus Geursen |
02/03-006 |
Impact of Uncertainty
and Sunk Costs on Firm Survival and Industry Dynamics |
Vivek Ghosal |
02/03-007 |
Competition in International
Postal Markets: Should the Universal Postal Union�s Anti-Remail Provisions
Repealed? |
Vivek Ghosal |
02/03-008 |
Potential Foreign Competition
in U.S. Manufacturing |
Vivek Ghosal |
02/03-009 |
Uncertainty in Strategic
Alliance Relationships of Entrepreneurial Firms: The Roles of Trust and
Control--An International Study |
Pat H.Dickson, K.
Mark Weaver |
02/03-010 |
The Sloan Workshop
on Globalization: The Paper and Pulp� Industry's Global Dimensions |
Dr. James A.McNutt |
02/03-011 |
The �Index Effect�
on the Stock Prices and Trading Volumes: International Evidence |
Rajest Chakrabarti,
Wei Huang, Narayanan Jayaraman, Jinsoo
Lee |
02/03-012 |
The Moderating Role
of Strategic Flexibility in the Relationship between Market Information
Use and New Product Outcomes |
Varma Citrin, Ruby
Lee, Rajdeep Grewal, J.McCullough |
02/03-013 |
Cognitive and Affective
Antecedents of Materialism as a Political Orientation |
Aaron C. Ahuvia, Nancy
Y.Wong |
02/03-014 |
Personality and Values
Based Materialism: Their Relationship and Origins--A Cross-Country Analysis |
Aaron C. Ahuvia, Nancy
Y.Wong |
02/03-015 |
Do Reverse-Worded Items
Confound Measures in Cross-Culture Consumer Research? The Case of the Material
Values Scale |
Nancy Wong, Aric Rindfleisch,
James E. Burroughs |
02/03-016 |
The Role of Culture
in the Perception of Service Recovery |
Nancy Y Wong |
02/03-017 |
Frictions in International
E-Commerce |
Rajesh Chakrabarti,
Barry Scholnick |
02/03-018 |
�What is Money? Fr�d�ric
Bastiat�s Views on the Nature of Money� |
Dr Mark Thornton |
02/03-019 |
A Framework to Identify
and Analyze Technology Strategies Implemented by Firms (A Brazil-based Study) |
Denise Luciana Rieg,
Gomes Alves Filho |
02/03-020 |
A Note of the Relevance
of the Aggregation Problem for the Concept of Total Factor Productivity
Jesus Felipe |
02/03-021 |
Exploring Attitudinal
Differences about Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of U.S., Spanish, and Turkish
Students |
Can Uslay, Richard
D. Teach, Robert G. Schwartz |
02/03-022 |
Strategies for Globalizing
Curriculum: A Framework for CIBER Collaboration with K-12 Educational Institutions |
Jean-Marie Katona |
02/03-023 |
Market Segmentation
and Exchange Rate Dynamics: A Study of the South African Dual-Rate Experiment |
Sandy Lai |
02/03-024 |
Euro Exchange Rates:
A First Look |
Sandy Lai |
02/03-025 |
The Automotive Industry
in the Southeastern United Sates: The Emergence of a World-Class Industrial
Corridor |
John R. McIntyre |