Center for International Business Education and Research
2002 - 2003 Working Paper Series

The Georgia Tech CIBER is pleased to offer the following working papers as part of its 2002 - 2003 program. The abstracts and full-text of some papers are offered at this site while the hard-copy is $5.00 each. (To view the full-text version, Acrobat Reader is required). If you would like to place an order, please make your check payable to the Georgia Institute of Technology. Please indicate the number of the papers desired and mail to :

Georgia Tech CIBER
College of Management
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0520

Number Title Author
The Moderation Role of Strategic Flexibility in the Relationship between Market Information Use and New Product Outcomes

A.Varma Citrin, Ruby Lee, R.Grewal, J.McCullough

Duality�: A Dual Congruent Business Simulation Richard D.Teach, Robert G.Schwartz
The Congruence Game: A Team Building for Entrepreneurs Richard D.Teach, Robert G Schwartz
University Student E-Tailing: A Marketing Study at the Entrepreneurship Interface Across Boundaries Robert G. Schwartz, Richard D.Teach
Marketing at the Entrepreneurship Interface: An Inter-Country Analysis of University Student Internet Buying Behavior Robert G. Schwartz, Richard D.Teach, John Day, Paul L Reynolds, Gus Geursen
Impact of Uncertainty and Sunk Costs on Firm Survival and Industry Dynamics Vivek Ghosal
Competition in International Postal Markets: Should the Universal Postal Union�s Anti-Remail Provisions Repealed? Vivek Ghosal
Potential Foreign Competition in U.S. Manufacturing Vivek Ghosal
Uncertainty in Strategic Alliance Relationships of Entrepreneurial Firms: The Roles of Trust and Control--An International Study Pat H.Dickson, K. Mark Weaver
The Sloan Workshop on Globalization: The Paper and Pulp� Industry's Global Dimensions Dr. James A.McNutt
The �Index Effect� on the Stock Prices and Trading Volumes: International Evidence Rajest Chakrabarti, Wei Huang, Narayanan Jayaraman, Jinsoo Lee
The Moderating Role of Strategic Flexibility in the Relationship between Market Information Use and New Product Outcomes Alka Varma Citrin, Ruby Lee, Rajdeep Grewal, J.McCullough
Cognitive and Affective Antecedents of Materialism as a Political Orientation Aaron C. Ahuvia, Nancy Y.Wong
Personality and Values Based Materialism: Their Relationship and Origins--A Cross-Country Analysis Aaron C. Ahuvia, Nancy Y.Wong
Do Reverse-Worded Items Confound Measures in Cross-Culture Consumer Research? The Case of the Material Values Scale Nancy Wong, Aric Rindfleisch, James E. Burroughs
02/03-016 The Role of Culture in the Perception of Service Recovery Nancy Y Wong
02/03-017 Frictions in International E-Commerce Rajesh Chakrabarti, Barry Scholnick
02/03-018 �What is Money? Fr�d�ric Bastiat�s Views on the Nature of Money� Dr Mark Thornton
02/03-019 A Framework to Identify and Analyze Technology Strategies Implemented by Firms (A Brazil-based Study) Denise Luciana Rieg, Alceu Gomes Alves Filho
02/03-020 A Note of the Relevance of the Aggregation Problem for the Concept of Total Factor Productivity Jesus Felipe
02/03-021 Exploring Attitudinal Differences about Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of U.S., Spanish, and Turkish Students Can Uslay, Richard D. Teach, Robert G. Schwartz
02/03-022 Strategies for Globalizing Curriculum: A Framework for CIBER Collaboration with K-12 Educational Institutions Jean-Marie Katona
02/03-023 Market Segmentation and Exchange Rate Dynamics: A Study of the South African Dual-Rate Experiment Sandy Lai
02/03-024 Euro Exchange Rates: A First Look Sandy Lai
02/03-025 The Automotive Industry in the Southeastern United Sates: The Emergence of a World-Class Industrial Corridor John R. McIntyre