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In Good Company Named Among Poets&Quants’ Most Disruptive MBA Startups

In Good Company, founded by Sarah Naumann, MBA ‘23, and Amanda Shojaee, MBA ’23, has been recognized as one of Poets&Quants’ Most Disruptive MBA Startups
Sarah Naumann and Amanda Shojaee

Sarah Naumann and Amanda Shojaee

Earning an MBA from Scheller offers many rewards. Sarah Naumann, MBA ‘23, and Amanda Shojaee, MBA ‘23, began their friendship when they went through the Full-time MBA program together. They launched their own start-up, In Good Company, which was recently recognized by Poets&Quants as a 2023 Most Disruptive MBA Startups.

In Good Company’s mission is to empower management to lead teams with learning and developmental disabilities successfully. For Naumann, wanting to help the disabled find employment began early. One of her high school friends was disabled, and her first career was teaching 2nd-grade students with learning differences. For her friend and her students, she worried about their future employment.

Naumann had the idea of educating and working with companies in the service industry to show them the benefits of inclusive employment. Integrated employment involves providing accommodations for individuals with disabilities to ensure their success in the workplace alongside peers who are not disabled. Shojaee found out about Naumann’s idea and wanted to help. With Naumann’s background and Shojaee’s commitment and research skills, the two went to work.

They participated in the Sustainable-X Showcase, a partnership of CREATE-X and the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business, and received mentoring in the area of social impact with Scheller faculty, including Karthik Ramachandran, Dunn Family Professor, Operations Management, Terry Blum, Tedd Munchak Chair and faculty director, Institute for Leadership and Social Impact and Dori Pap, managing director, Institute of Leadership and Social Impact. They also met with founders and mentors at Scheller, Georgia Tech, and the Atlanta start-up community.

The two recently received $25K from Fusen with a full investment offer of $500K. In Good Company is just starting, and Naumann and Shojaee are determined to see their company grow and succeed, not just for themselves, but for their current and future clients.

Learn More: P&Q Interview with In Good Company.

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