2019 |
Firm Level Environmental Strategies |
Production and Operations Management |
Xiao Wenli
Gaimon, Cheryl
Subramanian, Ravi
Biehl, Markus
Published Papers |
Xiao Wenli, Cheryl Gaimon, Ravi Subramanian, Markus Biehl, "Firm Level Environmental Strategies", Production and Operations Management, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2019, 404-420. |
2017 |
Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge on Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue |
Production and Operations Management |
Gaimon, C.
Hora, M.
Ramachandran, K.
Published Papers |
Gaimon, C., Hora, M. and Ramachandran, K., 2017. “Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge on Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue”, Production and Operations Management, 26 (4) 567-578. |
2017 |
Process Capabilities and Leveraging Advances in Science and Technology |
Routledge Companion to Prod & Opns. Manag. |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Hora, Manpreet
Ramachandran, Karthik
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, Manpreet Hora, Karthik Ramachandran, “Process Capabilities and Leveraging Advances in Science and Technology,” Routledge Companion to Prod & Opns. Manag., edited by M.K. Starr and S.K. Gupta, Taylor & Francis Group, NY, 2017, 197-213 |
2017 |
Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue |
Production and Operations Management |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Hora, Manpreet
Ramachandran, Karthik
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, Manpreet Hora, Karthik Ramachandran, “Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue,” Production and Operations Management, Special Issue on Management of Technology, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2017, 567-578. |
2015 |
Dynamic Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Development for Product and Process Design Teams |
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management |
Ozkan-Seely, Gulru
Gaimon, Cheryl
Kavadias, Stylianos
Published Papers |
Ozkan-Seely, Gulru, Cheryl Gaimon, Stylianos Kavadias, “Dynamic Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Development for Product and Process Design Teams,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2015, 177-190. |
2013 |
The Pitfalls of Subsystem Integration: When Less is More |
Management Scienc |
Erat, Sanjiv
Kavadias, Stylianos
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Erat, Sanjiv, Stylianos Kavadias, Cheryl Gaimon, “The Pitfalls of Subsystem Integration: When Less is More,” Management Science, Vol. 59, No. 3, 2013, 659-676. |
2013 |
Knowledge Management for the Entrepreneurial Firm |
Production and Operations Management |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Bailey, Jennifer
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, Jennifer Bailey, “Knowledge Management for the Entrepreneurial Firm,” Production and Operations Management, Special Issue on Operations Entrepreneurship, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2013, 1429-1438. |
2011 |
Dynamic Resource Capabilities: Managing Workforce Knowledge with a Technology Upgrade |
Organization Science |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Ozkan, Gulru
Napoleon, Karen
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, Gulru Ozkan, Karen Napoleon, "Dynamic Resource Capabilities: Managing Workforce Knowledge with a Technology Upgrade," Organization Science, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2011, 1560-1578 |
2009 |
Revenue Driven Resource Allocation and Effective NPD Portfolio Management |
Management Science |
Chao, Raul
Kavadias, Stylianos
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Chao, Raul, Stylianos Kavadias, Cheryl Gaimon, "Revenue Driven Resource Allocation and Effective NPD Portfolio Management," Management Science, Vol. 55, No. 9, 2009, 1556-1569. |
2005 |
Investment in Changeover Flexibility for Early Entry in High Tech Markets |
Production and Operations Management |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Morton, Alysse
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, Alysse Morton, "Investment in Changeover Flexibility for Early Entry in High Tech Markets," Production and Operations Management, Special Issue on High Tech Production and Operations Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2005, 159-174. |
2004 |
The Creation of Output and Quality in Services: A Framework to Analyze Information Technology-Worker Systems |
POM., Special Issue "Service Strategy & Technology Applications," |
Napoleon, Karen
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Napoleon, Karen, Cheryl Gaimon, "The Creation of Output and Quality in Services: A Framework to Analyze Information Technology-Worker Systems," POM., Special Issue "Service Strategy & Technology Applications," Vol. 13, No. 3, 2004, 245-259 |
2004 |
The Creation of Output and Quality in Services: A Framework to Analyze Information Technology-Worker Systems |
POM, Special Issue on "Service Strategy and Technology Applications" |
Napoleon, Karen
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Napoleon, Karen, Cheryl Gaimon, "The Creation of Output and Quality in Services: A Framework to Analyze Information Technology-Worker Systems," POM, Special Issue on "Service Strategy and Technology Applications," Vol. 13, No. 3, 2004, 245-259. |
2004 |
Managing Knowledge-Based Resource Capabilities Under Uncertainty |
Management Science |
Carrillo, Janice
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Carrillo, Janice, Cheryl Gaimon, "Managing Knowledge-Based Resource Capabilities Under Uncertainty," Management Science, Volume 50, No. 11, 2004, 1504-1518. |
2003 |
Analysis of Lead Time and Learning for Capacity Expansions |
Production & Operations Management |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Burgess, Robert
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, Robert Burgess, "Analysis of Lead Time and Learning for Capacity Expansions," Production & Operations Management, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2003, 128-140. |
1997 |
Planning Information Technology - Knowledge Worker Systems |
Management Science |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, "Planning Information Technology - Knowledge Worker Systems," Management Science, Volume 43, No. 9, 1997, 1308-1328. |
1994 |
Subcontracting Versus Capacity Expansion and the Impact on the Pricing of Services |
Naval Research Logistics |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, "Subcontracting Versus Capacity Expansion and the Impact on the Pricing of Services," Naval Research Logistics, Volume 41, No. 7, 1994, 875-892. |
1989 |
Dynamic Game Results on the Acquisition of New Technology |
Operations Research |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, "Dynamic Game Results on the Acquisition of New Technology," Operations Research, Volume 37, Number 3, May-June 1989, 410-425. |
1986 |
Optimal Inventory, Backlogging, and Machine Loading in a Serial, Multi-Stage, Multi-Period Production Environment |
International Journal of Production Research |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, "Optimal Inventory, Backlogging, and Machine Loading in a Serial, Multi-Stage, Multi-Period Production Environment," International Journal of Production Research, Volume 24, 1986, 647-662. |
1986 |
The Optimal Acquisition of New Technology and Its Impact on Dynamic Pricing Policies |
Studies in Management Science and Systems |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, "The Optimal Acquisition of New Technology and Its Impact on Dynamic Pricing Policies," Studies in Management Science and Systems, B. Lev, Editor, Volume 13, 1986, 187-206. |
1985 |
The Optimal Acquisition of Automation to Enhance the Productivity of Labor |
Management Science |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, "The Optimal Acquisition of Automation to Enhance the Productivity of Labor," Management Science, Volume 31, 1985, 1175-1190. |
1985 |
The Acquisition of Automation Subject to Diminishing Returns |
IIE Transactions |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl, "The Acquisition of Automation Subject to Diminishing Returns," IIE Transactions, Volume 17, 1985, 147-156. (Also, one of two research articles featured in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, November, 1985 issue.) |
1984 |
A Distributed Parameter Cohort Personnel Planning Model Using Cross-Sectional Data |
Management Science |
Gaimon, Cheryl
Thompson, Gerald L.
Published Papers |
Gaimon, Cheryl and Gerald L. Thompson, "A Distributed Parameter Cohort Personnel Planning Model Using Cross-Sectional Data," Management Science, Volume 30, 1984, 750-764. |