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Nela Vintrlikova

BSBA ‘27
Class Year:

Hometown: Břeclav, Czech Republic 

What's your favorite place you've traveled to and why?  I did a study exchange program in Morocco, and it has to be my favorite place I have traveled so far. I lived with my host family, and they took me to visit all the local places. I loved the food, the people, and the culture as well. During my trip, we visited Chefchaouen, the most beautiful city.  

Favorite family tradition: 

My family made it a tradition to celebrate Christmas with our whole family back home in Czech Republic. Every year, we make sure we are together in Czech to celebrate the holiday. Spending time with family, walking around the Christmas markets here, it is all a part of our own tradition.  

What is your proudest accomplishment? 

My organization, SUNE Translate Inc. Every single time we translate for individuals, we ease the effect of language barriers.  

What did you want to be when you were small?  

I wanted to be an archaeologist for the longest time. I loved learning the history, looking at the archaeological digs, and enjoying the mysteries and theories. While I did change my career aspirations, I still keep up with some archaeological discoveries and anthropological studies. 

My latest book recommendation: 

Earlier this year I read “The Seven Husbands” of Evelyn Hugo and loved every second of it. I always recommend it to everyone. 

My favorite restaurant in Atlanta:  

I love tapas, so I love to visit Barcelona to have some amazing food. 

My favorite comfort food or family recipe:  

There is a Czech dish called Svíčková. We consider it our national dish. It is sirloin steak with vegetable sauce, served with some bread dumplings. We eat it at special events, and every single time I eat it, it brings me comfort. 

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